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Few questions.

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Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:12 am

Few questions.

First of all is combat.
I read somewhere that there is a command you can use to just follow a ship. It sounded like the command would attempt it's best to match direction and speed with the ship you're trying to follow, is there such a command? Pretty much my battles go like this: Press R to get closest target, hit spacebar to enter mouse flight, and do my best to aim at the + in front of my targeted ship. Am I doing anything wrong? How do other people fight? Sometimes it seems like my guns aim themselves, which is cool, is this me having dilusions or is this some battle command you can do? I finally figured out how to target specific pieces of ships, but it seems worthless in the heat of the moment when you can just kill the ship in less time than targeting all his pieces...

My other question is battleships.
I saw a topic on this somewhere but I lost it and am forced to ask again. We've all seen the section under Personal Information that lists the number of each type of ship destroyed, and under the list is a battleship section. Which does this refer to? Certainly not the battleships you can dock with around the universe, or does it?

My final question is about the giant trade ships.
Bored one day I decided to lead a life of crime and knock out power to some trade routes. Soon I had trade convoys in my territory and led the assault on them. BOOM down goes a giant trade ship, expecting a giant payload I closed in on his wreckage and when I looted him I barely picked up anything! What the heck?! Another time I scanned some cargo and noticed he had tons of crap on there! Why doesn't he drop more! I was very disappointed. Unless I did something wrong? Is there another way you're supposed to disrupt the trade ships to take over their cargo?

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:32 am

First of all is combat.
I read somewhere that there is a command you can use to just follow a ship. It sounded like the command would attempt it's best to match direction and speed with the ship you're trying to follow, is there such a command? Pretty much my battles go like this: Press R to get closest target, hit spacebar to enter mouse flight, and do my best to aim at the + in front of my targeted ship. Am I doing anything wrong? How do other people fight? Sometimes it seems like my guns aim themselves, which is cool, is this me having dilusions or is this some battle command you can do? I finally figured out how to target specific pieces of ships, but it seems worthless in the heat of the moment when you can just kill the ship in less time than targeting all his pieces...

I know what you're saying, something like the "match speed" in Freespace. Not really, no, combat is pretty manual, and was basically intended to be. The "formation" command only works with friendly or neutral ships, and it wouldn't really work if you could because it would keep you pointing in the same direction of the enemy, but not necessarily behind him.

My other question is battleships.
I saw a topic on this somewhere but I lost it and am forced to ask again. We've all seen the section under Personal Information that lists the number of each type of ship destroyed, and under the list is a battleship section. Which does this refer to? Certainly not the battleships you can dock with around the universe, or does it?

Just in the storyline missions. When you're on your own, you can't destroy them.

My final question is about the giant trade ships.
Bored one day I decided to lead a life of crime and knock out power to some trade routes. Soon I had trade convoys in my territory and led the assault on them. BOOM down goes a giant trade ship, expecting a giant payload I closed in on his wreckage and when I looted him I barely picked up anything! What the heck?! Another time I scanned some cargo and noticed he had tons of crap on there! Why doesn't he drop more! I was very disappointed. Unless I did something wrong? Is there another way you're supposed to disrupt the trade ships to take over their cargo?

Problem is, when a ship goes (((Boom))) it's contents usually do to. It also depends where you are. Border and edge world ships (including cargo haulers) will produce more goodies when destroyed. Of course, it's harder to do. Sometimes they spill more than you can beam in, other times, nothing. Kinda like real life....

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True
The Last Thing I Said Was False

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:49 am

So what's the point of the turret view options if it forces you to fly in a straight line while shooting at things? Seems to me that makes you more of a sitting duck and makes things worse than better. Without dodging you'd be toast. :
Yah that's true about trade ships exploding losing their stuff... I guess I just thought in a world as arcadish as this it would be working in that fashion. It's not like you can pull them over and force them to transfer their loot or you will kill them.

And does anyone know if there is a bug with formation? My friend was in formation with me and I went to dock with the planet. I flew through the ring and went down to the planet but my friend got dragged down and straight into it and died. Are you supposed to NOT be in formation when docking?

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:55 am

To me, the turret view is kind of pointless, when there is an enemy right behind you, it might be better to switch to that view. In my opinion the turret view is their so you can stare at your pretty little ship at all angles.

*If you have a cat and a dog in the same house, will that be a problem? Of course not, you might just have solved world hunger*

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:59 am

Lol, yah that's what I did, used it to look at my ship.

The only problem there is... Dodging would be a better idea at that point. And even if you aim a turret at him, they are too weak to do much...

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