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Let me see if I got this straight....

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:58 pm

Let me see if I got this straight....

Okay, so, the story behind this story is that Starlancer's Coalition, drove the Alliance out of SOL? Is that what it is? Because if that's what it is then I believe I might know what the supposed third installment might be about. Anyone interested in my theory, which is based entirely on my imagination as I have not played the full version of Freelancer and am confined at the moment to the demo, post your request here and I'll check back in a few hours and post it for ya'll. But I do wanna make sure I got that right. Is it that the Coalition drove us out? Because the earliest background info I got a long time ago about Freelancer suggested a third party the destroyed Earth and the rest of SOL and then I read the info in the Freelancer section of the site here and it seems to suggest it was the Coalition.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:01 pm

Um, there isnt any third installment that DA is going to make. This is a game, not a movie so they dont really HAVE to complete the story. Get the game, finish the game and see if that changes your thoughts.

*If you have a cat and a dog in the same house, will that be a problem? Of course not, you might just have solved world hunger*

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:18 pm

I just downloaded the Freelancer intro and watched it. It answered my questions and unmade my imagination. I would like to withdraw my original posting in this matter. Thank you.

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