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Getting blasted completely to hell every time.

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Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 8:51 pm

Getting blasted completely to hell every time.

I am at level 8, and start out at Leeds after buying teh big freighter.
Thought I would have a fly around and see what I could ship back to New York, some stuff you can sell for over 6 times value!!

Anyhow, I couldnt even leave the system without being completely whiped out by the time I reached even the first jump gate. Almost every single place I visit some form of enemy shows up. Now that is not the bad thing... the thing is I cant even ignore them. They drop whatever they are doing and go after me, always. I arive at a planet or base, I die. I have a level 3 shield, and 1 single fighter is able to reduce it to nothing in 5 seconds. And then there are 5 enemy fighters.. at every place I go. I was backroute after 3 lanes.. buying up shield packs.. You go thought those things very fast, and they are so expensive!
I try to fight back, but when i am shooting at them with the turrets, I am not driving the ship. I try to cruise out, they fire a cruise-disruptor. I have tried to leave this system 5 times now, and I cant make it, or get killed in the next system.
What am I doing wrong? I just want to trade some stuff!

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:50 pm

the game isnt even out yet, how can u be at level 8 or 7,unless u have a warez copy,and if thats the case just bugger off

Kill em all-Let GOD sort em out[!

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:02 pm

liberty hates you. i wouldn't try going to liberty atm in the game. what i did was buy a light fighter and take some easy missions.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:04 pm

He might be the owner of an early version like I am. Which I won from a competition.

I must say that I haven't yet had too much trouble fighting off people in a freighter. It isn't as easy as a fighter for sure but I use the strafe keys and afterburner a lot to try to avoid incoming fire. Seems to work for me. But one thing that ALWAYS helps in avoiding a fight is having the advanced thruster. Give it a whirl.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:42 pm

I will be buying the game along with everyone else, because I believe one should, when it is released beginning of April, here in the Netherlands.

Anyhow, did I say Liberty? Cause i meant Britania. Well, I am asuming that every House has its own bandit groups causing trouble right? Or that at least you will be targeted by someone?

Also, I had asumed that, having changed ships, I would now not be recognized by the Liberty police?

But am I doing anything wrong? I mean, I can get a slightly better shield (level 4), but I dont see how that will help at all. I mean, I just tried it again; I got bumped out of the trade lane, then 4 ships start slamming me, and I don't even have the chance to hit the shield's or the nano's.. I just die.. its that fast.

I must have missed something if one can die THAT fast while trying to do freighter runs.

By the way: Pick up ship hull plates on the base one lane away from Leeds, they will sell at one of the New York shipyards for over 6.5 times their value.. 32 waypoints.. if you can make it. (i cant)

-When you are short of everything but the enemy; you are in a kill zone.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 12:55 am

Some people have the PR beta, in which it is slightly different than the Gold version, but you can advance up to level 38 and there is a bug which stops most people in SP @ mission 10....

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:14 am


I also bought the same big freighter and just like you got blown each time :/ until I scaned one of theirs ships. It said they had takion ( errr can't spell that) weapons witch after reading the manual I found out that they eat the shields I had like buter. The thing I did was to change the shields to the neutron I think they are called and I certainly noticed a big diferance. At same mission on alfa strike I still had 1/2 of my shields while with the old ones I would have less than 1/4 hull left after that first attack.
Hope it helps.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:21 am

You don't have to stick around to fight if you don't want to, just engage your cruise engines and high tail it out of there. The only worry is if they have cruise disruptors, I don't have the full version so I don't really know. But I've been going through some pretty hot area's in a rhino without having to fight at all.

When your approaching a station with hostiles around just use your cruise engines to fly in real close to the station 500m or so and then engage the docking sequence.

I don't really run this place but I have an understanding with the people who do.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:47 pm

Well this is exactly what i have been trying. Other tricks are bumpung myself out of the trade lane just before the last gate, then goign round and approuch the base I wanna dock at from behind.

Doesnt work if I want to reach a planet though.

But are ones shields suppose to be so weak?

-When you are short of everything but the enemy; you are in a kill zone.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:07 pm

Here's a really useful hint: You can drop countermeasures while cruising.

if you really wanna make sure you make it to where you are going, don't use trade lanes, just cruise everywhere. That way you won't be caught off guard for a few seconds (enough to get killed in alot of places) when you get pulled over. use the countermeasures whenever you see any hostiles and they'll never get a chance to do any damage to you.

Also, practice cruising right up to lanes and gates and hitting the dock button. With lanes, aim a little lower than what looks like the center, and hit dock just[i/ before the edges of the lane leave the screen. You will drop out of cruise and almost instantly start the lane jump. With gates, hit dock just as the nose of your ship pokes into the small hole in the center(when the 'jaws' are closed). And if there is a line at the lane or gate, hit cruise and go out 10k or so and come back or circle around in cruise (more risky), hopefully it will be gone and you can do the above.

I really wish it was possible to fly through lanes and gates without the autopilot


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