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A Spacers Tale

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Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 10:10 pm

A Spacers Tale

So there I was...

I think its mandatory to start the big tales of heroic(or not) deeds with such a phrase. It kinda drags the reader into the story...immersing them as it were. I was skipping along (actually tugging along a touch slower than a me) in my trusty new ship the nice british heavy fighter. I get myself into a bit of a furball and I go to dodge some molly dink firing at me...I hit the trusty tab and ....Ala Han Solo in Empire Strikes back....nothing happens. I try it again and again nothing happens. I look through my stuff after the battle and lo and behold I had accidentally sold my thruster. To which an audible DOH was heard through out the apartment. So I buy a nice shiney "Deluxe Thruster"(which to me sounds a touch like something you would hear on an informercial). Woosh I am off. Into another scrap I careen...4 Mollys later and I am off... again with the wooshing. Into another fray...<insert explosions and laser blasts>..the opponent drops something and another explosion as my shield goes buh bye. Wham another significant hit by one of those nasty little mines and I try to evade...Tab button tab button tab button......nothing times 3. The fight goes on and I lived the only think lost ....the "Deluxe Thruster". Well that will teach me for buying Deluxe. Now I know, gentle readers, that you are asking yourselves "Hey Becket do you have a bloody point???". Yes yes I do. To the individuals who think that the enemy doesnt get smarter or use different guessing there are more to those are pilots than different names. Some run like a bat outta hell when they see you out gun them. Some run and do the notorious joust of doom. Some skitter out of your way and leave little suprises. Some will dog your 6 like mad and of course my favorite the old missle volley o' death. Your ship is big...your ship is bad but If you have no countermeasures and that little missle light goes off...shudder. I had acouple of bad run ins with rogues early on and a little later Liberty navy....Missles lots of missle warnings( Cut to William shatners screaming Blinking and Beeping Beeping and Blinking). Then...oblivion. Cuz thats what happens when you are hit with 3 missles at once.... Well thats all for today boys and girls talk to you Monday if my eyes still focus then.


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:25 am

Strange story...i dont really think this happened to you during gameplay, and it didnt exactly sound like a story...More like a jumble of hints, such as dont sell your thrusters, dont buy deluxe thrusters, have countermeasures at all times, and 3 missiles will likely kill you. I didnt really here the story, i mean where were the enemies behind you with guns blazing? your ship careening into the debris field? add that next time...but kinda funny too...One more thing: whats a molley?

*If you have a cat and a dog in the same house, will that be a problem? Of course not, you might just have solved world hunger*

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 3:20 am

The mollies are a faction. I forget what they are all about, but I think they are remenants of the hispania.


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 8:23 am

Actually a bit of that did happen to me in game play. My lack of thrusters through accidental sale then the repeated loss of thrusters due to targeted attacks. The use of mines by opponents...the flaming death these things and more can be yours on Wednesday with the purchase of the full game.

PS the Mollys are a pirate group out of Bretonian space...not much of a threat but en masse they can kill ya good.


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:21 pm

Ever heard that song of the dubliners,

Make way for the MOLLY Maguire's
(the dubliners are Irish)



Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:37 pm

Great story Becket Velar!

And for you guys who want to complain so much about Freelancer...what he told does happen...even in the demo. I think some of you are so busy trying to see the bad parts of Freelancer is like not being about to see the forest because of the trees!

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:06 pm

Well, you proved my criticism wrong, Congratulations

*If you have a cat and a dog in the same house, will that be a problem? Of course not, you might just have solved world hunger*

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