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Artificial intelligence

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Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 7:53 pm

Artificial intelligence

A lot of people have been bashing FL's AI, but maybe they should read this:

I just took an assassination job from the blood dragons against a kusari navy officer.
I got there and he had 5 or so wingmen. When i breached his shields, 3 of them stopped firing at me and thrusted forward, staying between me and my target and trying to block my shots!!!!

so much for "no tactics"...
(but didn't help them much... in the end, i was undamaged, and there were no navy ships left *hehe*)

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:01 pm

Heh, I haven't noticed anything like that yet.. but I haven't had time to do many missions like that. Once the SP story grabs on, it doesn't let go for a while :O

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:03 pm

Great to hear about positive AI... thanks..

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:08 pm

Great info! Happy Hunting!

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:48 pm

Yep its true. When you go to next system (Bretonia,Kusari..) the missions become more difficult and guys start to use missles and mines. Later in the game some of enemys start to repair their hulls and turrets are shooting you and stuff like that.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:16 pm

Plenty of assisnation and capture missions have "escorts" that will block and even ram your ship to "protect the boss". I think alot of the complaints are more directed toward the "faction AI" rather than the direct combat AI. I seriously don't recall any enemy ships doing particularly stupid things (other than taunting me moments before they became space salvage).

"I'm gonna use what's left of you to grease *BOOM!* (the flaming wreckage that was once my ship)....)"

Edited by - Brother Grimm on 28-02-2003 23:19:48

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 6:28 am

Yep, just today I saw a pirate use a shield battery. They're a lot smarter than they first let on.

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Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:22 am

Is it always like that (shielding your charge by sacrificing yourself), or the tactic is only employed by Kusari with their Bushido mindset?

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:08 am

Jup, but protection the boss that way is not really smart, if they do not use their bats , and the boss anyway gets most time cause a stupid AI maneuver in trouble

so instead of one, all using this cool locking, but incredible stupid maneuver.
Cause the boss runs in 99% of all cases with this little maneuver in trouble.
IF you do not know which I mean I explain it fast.

The AI does first a afterburn, than engine kill, than it turns, and afterburns again.
This make an awefull quick direktion change. Problem is, in the whole time the AI need to to turn the ship, its a perfekt straith flying target, always enough to remove the shilds, most time enough to kill the whole stupid ship. Most of my kills are based on this stupid ai move, only real advantage this move has, is that even in real bad lag times, you still can kill easy ai fighters, as long as you can still see them *grin*
Ah and btw I am not 100% sure, but they seem to turn always left (from their viewpoint, so its right when they are upside down)

Another really really stupid move of the ai is, that it raise its fighter to early in an head to head sitation, which means you are gonna get ALWAYS behind it, after a frontal attack run.
(this sitation would be a good place actually to use engine kill, for example raise the maschine about 45 degree, engine kill, instantly roll 90 degree and do another 45, maybe even 90 degree raise, afterburn, that way it would be atleast hard to get fast behind the enemy fighter and the player advantage is not that great from head to head situations)

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