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Ah Ha! Ureka! or whatever...

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Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:21 pm

Ah Ha! Ureka! or whatever...

While playing the demo (again), I started to worry, like I always do in games like this, if I decide to be a 'good guy' will I be shorting myself on some the 'bad guy' equipment that's available in the game?

Then, after dusting my fifth group of Liberty Rogues in the badlands, I decided to head back to a base and re-supply. Upon returning, I was selling my loot, and came across a curious item: a Drail. It was a pirate weapon. I greedily equiped it on my ship, and found it to be the perfect balance between any of the class 2 lasers and the energy hog Lavablades.

It just made my realize that I don't nessicarily have to miss out on stuff. While I can't buy the stuff, there is still a chance I can loot it from all the badies that I kill!

A lot of you probably know this already, but I just wanted to share with anyone else like me, who has the irrational fear of 'missing something' in a game because of a decision you make or path you choose.

I think I might breath a little easier now, thank you.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:35 pm

Thanks for sharing

IMO there's nothing more exciting than to be on the 'bad' side in games, because in real life you cannot. However it is good to know for the ones who only want to be on the 'good' side.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:44 pm

What do you mean you can't ??

Goodness me, whatever would I do without my early morning drug run and cop chase ? :b

<sig deleted by automatic censor>

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:50 pm


Well, I actually meant "you shouldn't" instead of "you can't" Heh he, just the wrong choice of words.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:01 pm


Yep..I have the Drail and the Barager. Together with some weapons from the Liberty makes for a deadly arrangement. I do not think it will be possible to be neutral with everyone...and still do the story line or explore freely.
The reputation part of Freelancer is very much alive! I am going to just pick a path to follow and blast the opponents away. Maybe do a little under table fixins along the way.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:21 pm

Yep, so far (demo only) my favourite weapon is the Drail. My favourite loadout with the Patriot is 2 Drail in the forward mounts and 2 Lavablade Mark II mounted rear.

This loadout can destroy a Liberty Rouge Bloodhound in a single 1K head-on pass

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:25 pm

I've found the rochester base, and after hours of killing Xenos, I can take Junkers missions! Yay! Pretty soon I'll be well on my way to being completely bad.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 6:11 pm

The best config that I've found to work best in all situations whether Xenos,Outcasts,Junkers or Rogues are two drails & 2 devastating scorpions.Those scorpions really tear the enemy apart.If I plan on going up against enemies in the Badlands then I equip myself with 2 drails a scorpion & stalker missles since not only do they decrease the chance of chasing after an enemy most of the time but they also make the demo longer since they are so expensive for the level.Think about $1600 for a salvo consisting of 50 missles

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 6:13 pm

Where do you find the scorpions?

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 6:32 pm

You have to destroy Xenos ships. I've found one so far. When I get another I'll pair them with 2 of the justice mk mark III's I got from the irradiated ships in the badlands. The mark III is nice since it's a class 3 weapon, which you can only BUY at level 2, but may use before that level if you find it. Fast, efficient, and powerful.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 6:40 pm


They are found on the Xenos Starfliers around the Detroit Munitions base just destroy there ships & usually they will drop the weapons after a good fight.They are still tough though even in starfliers since the weapon is superb against gravitron shields & also because starfliers are so nimble they usually are hard to hit.

WHat I usually do is just try to ware down there shields & send a javelin there way,et viola instantaneous scorpion.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 7:40 pm

Indeed. In one of my earlier games I picked up a friggin' Stunpulsa or something like that on like my second mission or so! Way out of profile, but that friggin' thing ate shields for breakfast! One of those and two Magmahammers can go a long way. I prefer the plasma based weapons in general.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:04 pm

2 Scorpions and 2 lvl2 lavablades....headon pass? bring it on!

I can take down any rogue out on the first pass. Don't need missiles or mines, just those 4 guns. Hardly ever need to use bot's or batteries either (cept on some engagment with multiple xeno's or outcasts). I managed to take out 2 rogue freighters and escort near one of the jump holes (they came in at 10 sec intervals).

Can't wait to get out of the Liberty system...i actually think i out grew it 8)

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