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Digital Anvil Forum ? (needed?)

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Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:27 pm

Digital Anvil Forum ? (needed?)

Ok, I read the whole forum-article "Thoughts on Post'rs", but I think it's better to make a new topic. If any moderator thinks i'm wrong, please move it.

I personally think it doesn't help much to make a topic like: "Please don't give any negative (or flaming, even worse) posts about Freelancer in a Freelancer Fan Site --> where only "fans" should be... In this case The Lancers Reactor.

I think the 'big' problem is that there aren't any official Digital Anvil boards (that I know of), where people can express there fealings about this game.
Sadly TLR, is being the victim of this a bit ?.

As soon as there are bugs, people are going to post it here.
If they like the game or absolutely do not like it (flame it), they are going to post it here.
If they have any future suggestions for it, they are going to post it here.
Etc, etc.

Do you see what I mean ?

Maybe it would be a bit better if D.A. has there own forum, where people can express there visions of Freelancer?

Just my two cents.


(changed topic on edit)

Edited by - StarWolf on 28-02-2003 14:43:04

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:44 pm

Very good point and well worth a new thread. Are there going to be any official forums?

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:24 pm

I agree a good thread. If one cant discuss problems/issues with FL here since its a fan site, DA/MS should have a forum for 'issues' and 'problems'

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:33 pm

My feeling is that we should discuss problems and issues precisely because this is a fan site. Who better than the fans to offer help and more importantly, demonstrate that FL is a great game despite/because of the lack of joystick, radar and all the other sim trimmings?

Which means using arguments and logic and not (NB not addressed to you) playground abuse and nay-saying. FL is good enough not to need it's admirers to do that.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:34 pm

Digital Anvil do read these forums guys, so your thoughts are being heard already. The problem with adding a forum to an official site is that you need someone to moderate it and that means chewing up the time of an employee to do so. Sure you could get a fan to do it but would you trust a fan to be an ambassador for your company??

However I do see your need to have somewhere vent your frustrations, but I just don't like your chances is all. But hey, there is no harm in asking Microsoft.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:54 pm

I agree Mustang, but please don't think that I (personally) don't like FL. I like it allready, a lot :-) ...

I just started this thread, because I think TLR can expect a massive increase in post of reviews (eighter good or bad), bug reports, etc. once the game hits the stores.

Ever been to the Unreal forums? I do expect that (almost) the same big waves of threads to arise at this forum, because I think Freelancer will be a very popular game :-) ... heh, some even see it as a "Game of the Year" candidate.


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:13 am

I have not even been able to find a Digital Anvil website still in existence.
I understand that a lot of small game studios or publishers do not have the resources to maintain well moderated forums, but when the largest software corporation in the world gobbles up studios they have NO excuse not to offer forums for at least technical support. This is particularly true when one of the big selling points for the game is a feature to run dedicated, persistent universe multiplay servers, which brings with it an enormous number of technical considerations and bug-fixing.

The simple fact is that microsoft and EA have decided that they do not have a vested economic interest in actively or fully supporting pc versions of their games from now on.

I sympathize with the mods on this site, and i respect everyone who likes or loves this game even though I don't.
When the full version of the game is shipped this site will be deluged by all range of technical complaints, mislead stick owning sim gamers, and all range of Flame happy hardcore gamers who have no avenue to vent at DA or Microsoft for taking so many years and pumping so much PC game hype into a console arcade shooter, however well the game succeeds at being what it is versus what they were sold on.
Hats off to the fans of this game and the admins of this site, seriously.
I have nothing but love for ya.
But this game is only more evidence to me that Microsoft (one of the leading manufacturers of force-feedback joysticks, btw) and EA are out to destroy PC gaming as we know it. They wanted to sell expensive peripherals when they could, but now they want us to either buy an X-box, or quietly suck down the same console games on the PC.

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