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Being a pirate

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Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:07 am

Being a pirate

I downloaded the Demo and I absoulute love it. It roqs.

There a couple of things that I was wondering first of all. When I am traveling through the trade lanes, sometimes I get a radio message saying 'trade lane interrupted' or something like that, when pirates jump me. How can I do that if I wanna be a pirate and wanna jump cargo ships and stuff ?

The next question. I have not had a chance to fly a ship with a turrent, but i have a question about it. When in the turrent view, does your ship fly straight while you shoot. Cause if it does that kinda leaves you open for attack. And when not in turrent view, does it fire automagically ??

Thanks guys, the game roqs


Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:14 am

You can hack a tradelane, by dropping out of it wherever you wanna try and hack it.
Then wait for a group of ships to go through the tradelane... and shoot at the tradelane 'pillars' (those things you dock with).
It will disrupt the tradelane and cause them to drop out... then you can have your fun

I haven't had the chance to fly a ship with a turret either, but your turret dous fire with your normal guns (unless afcourse it's on the back of the ship).
So i doubt turrets automatically fire backwards, that'd be to easy anyways

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:17 am

Going into turret mode makes you fly straight while doing it. I think it is more useful for the big freighters who have the shields to handle being attacked.

The really big usefulness I can think of for turret mode is when you are locked trying to a trade lane or station and you can go into turret mode and actually do some damage while it happens.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:26 am

Cool, thanks guys. I'm gonna try this tonight.

Has anybody had a chance to play multiplayer yet ? I was wondering a couple of things. LIke when you go to a bar in multiplayer and there are other people there, will you see them. Can you go into like a chat room and ask them to escourt you or look for jobs escourting other people or the like.
Another thing, can I transfer money from me to someone else ? So if I do hire someone to escourt me I can pay them ?

I'm sure I'll come up some more questions later.

Thanks again

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:17 pm

In Multiplayer when you are on a planet/station, there is no interaction with other players on the same world. You cannot see them and they cannot see you, due to the fact that all the player models are the same... it would get confusing, and it is not plausible considering they would have to make really large areas to accomodate people just incase all 64 players have a sudden thirst for Liberty Ale.

Don't let that discourage you however, there is a chat panel that lists the players on the server and their locations, throught this interface you can ask for help, an escort or anything for that matter.

And there is indeed a 'trade' system, which can only be used in space however, you select the target ship, and press the small trade icon to the bottom of your HUD, then a trading window open, with 3 categories, your inventory, the the current transaction, and the other player inventory... which i believe you cannot see, then you can trade money, items, cargo, etc etc. So you can pay the escort with ease.

I hope thats answers your questions,


Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:34 pm

Welcome aboard! Glad your enjoying the demo and happy hunting watch out for Johhny Law! !

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:33 pm

hi, folks! In the demo, there's a pirate base but it's not allowing dock. Does the retail allow docking?

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:56 pm

You can't dock at it if you are hostile with the faction who owns it. In the demo, you CAN dock with it if you get your reputation right. Just kill their enemies for a while and eventually they will be neutral so you can dock.

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