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The hostile AI almost destroys the fun...

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Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:59 am

The hostile AI almost destroys the fun...

This scenario needs to be fixed. Feel free to fill in the blanks for me: There's a police base and a battleship over a planet. There are three freighters coming through. There are at least fifteen police ships in the area fighting off three or four pirates. I, a completely innocent bystander, warp into the area. Now here's the catch - the pirates stop attacking the police and immediately focus their attacks on me because: _____________. Even worse is that the police just give up sometimes and leave me and the pirates alone. Eh?

Is there a difficulty slider for this game? I'm in Bretonia, and can't go 10 KM, leave a base, or travel more than one trade ring without getting jumped by Corsairs, Mollys, and Bounty Hunters. I love this game, but did they really have to take a page from RPGs and say "Random encounters will make the game last longer!"?

Forget exploring and finding new systems, unless you like being hammered by swarms of hostiles every 10 KM.

Edited by - Bargib on 28-02-2003 09:18:08

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 9:03 am

Take your time....get some equipment, teade a little, make friends with the right people...then go back and kick their a$$.

Don't rush into the fray following the SP, the game was designed for you to take breaks and build o\up your ship.

"If this is what you want to do, you'll do it, no matter how long it takes..........and usually the longer it takes the more fun you've had!"

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 9:07 am

Thanks, I knew someone was going to post that.

NO. Equipment only makes the fights easier, not less annoying. I still don't enjoy being jumped every two minutes, and having the hostiles completely ignore any other target except me.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 9:20 am

S: I editet your post for a bit of language, nothing else...

On you point: you could look in the ini file in the "Freelancer" folder under "My Documents/My Games". Edit the difficulty setting to f.x. 0.75

Or fly closer to something the police protects! I bet you are neutral with the police, and thus they will not put their butt on the line for you - logical! Also if you are close to the targets, yah - bogies tend to focus on you... But that should in a normal equiped ship for the place you are in be no issue...

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Edited by - Bargib on 28-02-2003 09:21:13

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:26 am

I myself have noticed that hostiles seem to drop what they are doing to come after you. You don't have to be closer to the hostiles than the police are for it to happen, either. They will just up and come straight for you. To me, they should be so preoccupied with their current battle that they should stay in it and really not even notice that I came into the area. The only situation I could see where it made sense for them to break battle is if they hate you more than they hate whoever it is they are fighting. However, with criminals and police, I would think that hatred would be above all.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:00 pm

They are gunning for you since the game knows(rightly so) that you are by far the BIGGER threat...


Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:09 pm

roger that GB absolutly right and also if your neutral from the police and they dont give a **** about you when the pirates jump you, try things like leaving the base without nice cargo

helped me once before

i also noticed that if i was nuetral to the cops and theres was say a enemy corporation that was friendly to the cops ..... the cops would jump in and help the enemy out even though iam just nuetral to them

and every square counts !!!! dont think just cause you made neutral by 1mm that your clear

red hessians politly asked me to drop some diamonds even though i was not enemy

little more complex than most think, is what i beleive

and dear god please bless DA with a add-on i will buy 2 copies of FL if you do

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:12 pm

In my experience, Johnny Law will only "move" on if you either are not on good terms with them OR you are fairly neutral and you shoot them (by accicent or not). They could even turn on you if your faction is bad enough with them.

Another note, Bases and tradelane gates are ARMED and will likely support you if the attacking faction is hostile their owners. Keep in mind the reverse CAN be true and if you get the locals hostile you will find yourself the target of bases, trade lane gates and jump gates.

Moral, Don't piss off the locals (if you can help it).

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:13 pm

Yes, I've been noticing that too. I just thought it was because they hated me so much more than the police. Well im certainly not going to get an invite to the Liberty Rouge 'love in' this year.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:43 pm

But I'm not the "bigger threat". Around most planets, there are weapons platforms, battleships, large ships, swarms of police, etc.

I don't care if the police don't like me, there's no reason they wouldn't try to fight criminals acting right out in the open outside their base.

Leaving with no cargo doesn't help at all. Every time I get to a base, I just sell everything I have unless I can get a MUCH higher price somewhere else. I'm usually not carrying anything.

One more thing I noticed - say that you dock at a base with a dozen or so hostiles chasing you. As soon as you leave that base, they'll start attacking you again. BUT if you take a job at the bar and then leave, even the most hostile enemy will ignore you! (Unless they're a mission-specific hostile.) Every non-mission hostile will be neutral! Try explaining THAT.

"Bogey spotted! Oh, wait, wait, WAIT! He's got a JOB! Godspeed, you champion of the working class! Good luck out there destroying a wing of our ships!"

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:52 pm

I've never worried about that im hated by the molly's and there was a big fight going on at stokes so i parked my ship, they never attacked me unless i shot first

Then the sheep said...

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:54 pm

Oh, that was funny....

Hmm....from what I hear, the game is like Morrowind. Just TOO ambitious.
HOWEVER, I expected this, and this game doesn't have NEARLY as many flaws as Morrowind.

I love Morrowind.
I love(to the millionth power) Freelancer.

Just buy it and wait for the patches and expansions.

.....just make sure to justify their creation

I do what I must, when I must...

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:21 am

Agrees, way too much jumping goin' round..

This IS a flaw of the game... please correct it DA or modders.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:40 am

What else is very annoying is when ive come into bases to dock bandits will coem in, ignore EVERYTHING on the way in, and go straight for me, while im trying to dock. Its soooo annoying.

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