Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:59 am

Good Points about FL

Ok, i've been spending more time playing the demo and decided to ignore the little faults that this game has and ignore the fact that digital Anvil are to blame for the lacking parts.

The GOOD points: ok, i must admit if you like exploration, your imagination can think of a hundred things to do, for example, i like the fact that you can go in formation with the liberty police on there routine patrol's and help them out against any rogues which is very cool, flying into the badlands and hunting down some scum, doing a bit of lane hacking and then after attacking the first cargo ship that appears to only have two escorts, then seconds later relising that the rest of the convoy is still approaching through the lane and then all hell breaks loose, i had over ten fighters attacking me and i took them all out, that was the best fun i had in freelancer.
Flying through the debries field and killing any rogues on there patrol routes is cool, the fact that the shooting mechanics are perfect and it makes it so much easy when you have alot of enimies to shoot.

Well ive been thinking about all the good points of the game and thinking that as im a starved space gamer and out of all the space games i have played, i never really enjoyed any of them, considering Freelancer is headed in the right direction and i dont know why the people who make these space sims even bother if they aren't going to listen to the fan base on how they like there space games, as i say, if you cant do properly, then why do it at all.

Well im just gona wait until the final version is released here in australia and ill read a few reviews then ill make a decision.