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thoughts on post''rs (longer than expected)

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 9:27 am

exactly what I was thinking rogue, this IS a fan site.

I'm not sure of this, and correct me if I'm wrong, DA did starlancer which was published by MS. MS also made a game called allegiance a few years ago that was set in space. hehe... not to nit pick.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 10:01 am


Are you saying that this site should be closed to only reflect the views of existing and committed fans?

What about the people who are interested in the game (having read the hype) and come here looking for more information. If your view prevails, there should be a big banner on the front page telling those people to go away. All you can offer them is biassed fanboy praise.

Heck, this forums is titled "Freelancer Discussion". Yet you are saying that discussion is not allowed.

I would suggest that a new forum is created for the pure-praise department.

In a forum titled "discussion", surely it is fair to ask why Freelancer is not what it was hyped to be?

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 10:50 am

bagemk, there are two types of discussions, namely:

1. discussions in a fashionable manner, which are and
2. discussions which virtually make no sense at all and absolutely make no contribution to the FL community.

For example, discussions about "why is there no joystick support in FL !!!!!" are just plain inadequate and a waste of time, because the game is due to be released any time now and nothing can be done anymore. Why repeat the discussion over and over and over again ? Nobody is saying that certain things can't be discussed here and you must understand that we CAN handle criticism, but we CAN't handle bluntness, provoking attitude and deliberately bashing FL. As been mentioned before, nothing is wrong with some healthy discussions which can even have some criticising content from time to time, but this IS a Freelancer FAN SITE.

Just my humble opinion

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 12:04 pm

I'm sorry but it is the mean-spirited responses like this that does more damage to potential sales than posters asking for other features or debating what could be done differently. The defensive attitude and generally abusive tone of some fan-boy types is a big red warning flag, signifying "DENIAL, DENIAL, something to hide here" and that will turn off potential purchasers.

When in fact there is nothing to hide.

FL is a good enough game, from the demo, to stand on it's own terms. It was good enough for me, a former disappointed simmer, to pre-order the USA version, but it was a near run thing whether I'd even try the demo because of the attitude of fan-boys here, who seem to be permitted to be as abusive as they like to any non-fanboy poster without setting off the mods trigger fingers.

Let people say anything they like, FL can be defended on it's own strengths through rational discourse rather than the traditional "ya, boo, sucks to you" flame.

Which response do you think is more likely to win over doubters and not alienate the unknown numbers who just read the board for information ahead of purchasing or not?

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 12:18 pm


We are in denial ? Fanboy ? We have something to hide ?

I'm not even going to comment to this, because you are just trying to get a rise out of us and are poking us

Edited by - Eraser on 28-02-2003 12:33:51

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 12:42 pm

This is precisely the sort of comment and attitude i'm referring to. The inability to see how you appear combined with an instant ability to take offense. The fan-boy, immature attitude of some people is beyond dispute, whether you choose to recognise it is up to you. Whether you have the maturity to deal with criticism with more restraint than a drunk in a bar trying to start a fight is also up to you.

There is a difference between a fan and a fan-boy. i'm a fan but it doesn't make me blind to imperfections or compel me to abuse anyone who isn't a fan of FL or who wants to debate instead of flame.

People who abuse others for their opinions instead of responding like an adult are fan-boys, people who take the points onboard and respond thoughtfully with the intention of engaging in a debate that might bring a potential fan into the fold and win another sale to keep the franchise going is a fan .

You feel free to categorise yourself with your reply now.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:02 pm

It might have been a bit immature of me to react like I did and of course I'm always open to debate, but you are just bluntly saying I'm a fanboy who is abusive and in denial. You're also talking about trigger happy mods which are all IMO insults. I really have no intention of letting myself be drawn into a discussion which won't benefit anyone. I just said that some here are getting really tired of threads like "FL Sucks !!!" (mostly just bashing FL without any arguments to back it up) and "Why is there no Joystick support" (which we have discussed over and over again) and therefore react a little edgy from time to time.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:37 pm

I responded to your arbitrary division of criticism into acceptable and unacceptable, THEN, I commented on a fan-boy attitude that sets destructive tone for the board and which mitigates against the task of winning a wider audience for FL.

Two different things, but your response (gracious apology accepted, thanks) did illustrate the knee-**** response, prevalent among others much less reasonable than you have shown yourself here.

I just believe it's no use fighting fire with fire. Unreasonable ranting attacks on FL can easily be countered with reason. FL is a good game, we don't have to be defensive, all we have to do is respond rationally.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 10:38 pm

rogueone, just so you know, Freelancer isn't the first space SIM MS have created.
(not that FL is a SIM)
Do anyone recall "MS Space SIM" it's maybe 15 years old! and actually one of the coolest things i have ever seen. You could explore the whole milkyway galaxy, and in quite good detail.
While it wasn't actually a game(imo), there were some small missions, like landing the on the moon or something....

I was referring to DA's first sim. and no, technically, StarLancer was not a DA game, it was a Warthog (from UK) game. As I recall the history, and I could be a little off, but it's what is in the back recesses of my brain from when DA was snatched up by MS: Warthog was making a sim for MS, and when DA was brought into MS's fold, it was decided that since the Warthog game didn't have a solid story as yet, why not adjust it to fit into Freelancer's universe. The idea being it would be sort of a Wing commander for the Lancer universe.

Now, I could have gotten a little of that out of time frame, but the parts I'm sure of are that DA did not make SL, Warthog did, and FL is DA's first game in the Lancer universe



Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 10:52 pm


Are you saying that this site should be closed to only reflect the views of existing and committed fans? ........

um, no, that's not what I'm saying. I'm referring to the tendency of a number of people who dislike this style of game to continue to return to this site for the sole purpose of trashing a game they have no intention of playing. And asking the question, why do some people feel compelled to make comments here about why they don't like the game, but then feel compelled to return and try to talk those who do or will like it into not liking it?

It's not that this isn't a great place to post all thoughts, and especially if DA/MS reads these, as they don't have their own forum. But there is not a need for those who don't like the game to continue to frequent a site just to trash the game. Psychologically speaking, why would a person do this unless they have an attention need? I want to hear what people think make the game good/great, as well as what makes it less so, but I don't need it repeated ad nausium (sic?).

let me use this example. I tried Earth and Beyond, and found it lacking. Very unentertaining, extremely boring travel modes, etc. I haven't returned to a site that is in any way discussing E&B since I decided to stop playing. Same with EQ, DAoC, etc. I don't like the game for whatever reason, it's my personal choice to dislike the game. So there's no need for me to harrass people that like it by trying to make them dislike it with me.

That's what I don't like here. I want to read what people think, but it's hard to keep a thread on track when the same persons return over and over to complain about the same couple issues they don't like, and continue to say there's no way I'm going to play this game. If there's nothing the dev's can do to make you like the game, then why keep telling us? Just go read up on something you will like and post there with people who have your same taste in game style.

And just becuase I know I'll like this game just like I did Privateer, doesn't mean i haven't also mentioned things I don't like, I did in the start of this, they need to let us do more missions at one time Any other short fall I currently don't have a problem with, like the voice's not being varied enough. I understand why they are generic, and I'll just hit esc to get around it. it's the shooting of things I want to do

You bring up a good point that this is the perfect place for people who thought they'd like the game more, or would like it if X was changed. There are proper threads for those types of comments, and I like reading those as well. Those are probably the ones most likely to give the dev's new ideas too.



Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:49 pm

there should be an ignore feature in the forums so i can ignore people like tagos

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