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Just when you think all is grim

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Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:48 pm

Just when you think all is grim

Ah yes...tis another morning on the old TLR forums. And yet today my outlook is nothing but wonderful. I know what you all are thinking. "What no morning rant? No Gripes????" Well it is not possible to gripe today. I left work yesterday to go pick up my other hottly anticipated game Master of Orion 3. I hopped up to the local EB and told the guy behind the counter that I would like my copy of "MOO" that I had preordered...and he handed it to me. We got chatting about how he will be seeing me next Wednesday for my preordered copy of FL. He grinned and asked if I had tried the demo and his coworker gleemed saying that it "ROCKED". I concured with them gushing my joy in the demo and the lead salesman said that he hadnt played it because he has an antique computer that couldnt run much of anything. I told him I was sorry and said that he should look into upgading and I gave him some sites to do such. He said his thank yous for my bargain hunting assistance and said "here take this" it was his copy of the Marketing Beta. You know I have the most lovely girlfriend in the universe....but I have never so wished to reach across this counter and hug the stranger in front of me. This good samaritan had made my week. I hurried home and completely forgot that I had purchased a game (yes I still got MOO but me thinks its going to be months before it sees the actual light of day). I did a small dance of joy infront of my housemates fiancee who looked at me as though I was on some serious medication ( or at the very least I needed some). I then scampered to my room like a small woodland creature and installed it. All I have to say is WOW. Just when I thought the demo was going to be the end all for beauty and fun until the real deal came out i get handed this beauty. and what a beauty. As an aside, to all those passing judgement on this game based on the demo (which I felt was incredible but to each their own)... Dont. Play the full version...then pass judgment. If you are looking strictly for a dynamic trade simulator...not the game for you. If you are looking strictly for a COmbat Flight simulator that is set in space again not for you. If however you are looking for a good time I mean play this game. Just my 2 creds. Opinions always welcome.


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:57 pm


WOW, I think I've never seen anyone being THAT enthusiastic about any game ever before ! Great stuff buddy

*applauding and dancing*

You truly make my day (and probably those of the mods and admin too )

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:30 pm

That was a good read
Got more ?

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 6:09 pm

Good read. So how do the demo and pr beta compare to each other.i thought the demo was gr8,ru saying the pr demo is better .Give me more info please.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 6:35 pm

maybe you shouldn't open moo3. check the forums at infogrames for some opinions of it. it isn't like moo1 or moo2.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:00 pm

Hehe...that's petty much how I got my copy of the Marketing Beta. My feelings about the game run along the same lines, as well. I haven't bothered with the demo and I'm busy building up my character after ending the story (I'm LVL 22 now). I am looking forward to getting my pre-ordered retail copy and starting all over!

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:13 pm

In response I can only think of an analogy. A sip of beer is good, a pint is better( they make it in pints??? Im getting one). The Marketing Beta is the complete game (give or take I will have to see when I purchase that on Wednesday). The fact that I was able to purchase the Defender Fighter and equip it with some interesting weaponry then go careening, very literally, around New York Space...then Colorado Space....then Texas.....then California....You get the idea. The demo gives you a small taste of what to expect from the galaxy as a whole... this beta is one MONSTEROUS gulp. I would say that it could be overwealming at first. Despite what some of the naysayers isnt very empty. Whether its swarms (yes I said swarms I went through a trade lane and exitted to 8 rogues just loitering about) of pirates, dogfights between xenos and police, transports bouncing all over the place and the random space anomoly, Space is VERY full. I went to the Texas system and ran into just about everything I previously mentioned...though I also ran into it all in New York Space. There is nothing like trading blows with a bunch of pirates and getting pounded on so badly that you lose a wing, but still having enough get up and go to get home. It really got the blood have to think to yourself...hmmmm when was the last time I landed(and autosaved)...boy I hope I dont get jumped. Then the sigh of relief from the landing. The Retail version from what individuals have said is about a gig... The marketing Beta was 976(or there abouts) Meg. Also there are only about 5 servers for MP(which I havent tested). I wish to fly alongside my friends(who I have quickly converted by saying "its like Privateer" and people online. To all interested parties...get it..the full version.. I am not some PR person from Micro$oft just a person that knows what he likes.


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:25 pm

Yeah I know the loads of bashing going on over there by people who wanted Moo2.5. It still looks juicy to me and besides you all should know my view of reviews on forums.


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:10 pm

I then scampered to my room like a small woodland creature and installed it

Best laugh I've had all day!

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:23 pm

What makes it truly amuzing is if you actually saw me scamper being that I am 6 ft tall and a touch over 200 lbs. Scampering is not truly I do forgive the pun. Regardless I still did much to my downstairs neighbors chagrin.


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:26 pm

Cheers Becket im pre ordering tommorow {live in uk}.u told me just what i wanted to hear,it seems alot of people r dissapointed in fl.but then again i was dissapointed in the SIMS &look how popular thay are .i suppose it all comes down to personal preferance. And i love fl,its my kind of game.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:43 pm

Great Post!! I sent that to my best friend who is still playing E&B and I told him that he needed to try the FL Demo that he would love it! He said he would and I know once he does he will get his pre-order in due to he was a big Privateer Fan like I was! But your right on I cant waite to get the full copy of FL I been waiteing for another program like Privateer to come out and it's finally here. FL ROCKS get in while you can I will look for you sometime maybe we can loot some cargo or something! Glad you like enjoy the beta!

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:02 pm

Great Post Becket Velar!

You are looking at the "whole" of Freelancer rather than like some who pick out each and every little flaw and try to trash the game, overlooking the many great things about it. Freelancer, like Privateer is not a perfect game in the sense every single thing in it is right. But overall it is a very worthy successor to many ways much better than Privateer. I do not expect all Privateer fans to like it tho....but I think most of them will! In my opinion no game is even on the horizon that will match Freelancer in the overall gameplay.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 12:50 am

Haha, I know how that feels.

I had bought C&C:Generals not more than 2 days before I got my hands on the marketing beta. It has not seen my CD-ROM drive since. I don't even think the FL beta has left it's resting place in the CD drive. Only to go for a spin whenever I decide to turn my back on my mountain of homework for a little enjoyment in the Sirius system.

Everytime I think I've seen it all in that game a new suprise pops out of nowhere.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 12:59 am

I remember when I ordered Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. The day it came was almost like Christmas. The cool thing was that it came with a shirt! I'm buying FL from Best Buy though, so I don't need to wait. Plus, I won't have to pay as much! Nyah nyah hahahaha!!!! *runs away giggling madly until he runs straight into a brick wall*


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