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Why are the previews/reviews so wrong

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Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:22 pm

Why are the previews/reviews so wrong

Almost every preview I've read of Freelancer has raved about the game. Apparently, the graphics, sound and gameplay are all revolutionary.

So now we have the demo - why are these previewers got it so wrong.

The facts are:

The graphics are poor. Sure they are fast and smooth, but the lighting model is inadequate. Has anyone seen a darkside of a planet or space station yet? Have you noticed how ships that fly on the "dark" side of another ship remain lit up?
The on-planet graphics are amateurish. It all looks like some freeware demo that an enthusiast has put out. I would say the the groundscapes in Wing Commander III of ten years ago had more detail.

The sound is at best mediocre. The music is good, but the dialogue is plain awful. Anyone who rates it as good has spent too much time watching daytime soaps.

The control interface: Where is this intelligent interface we read about. the mouse is used simply as a joystick alternative, with an added point and click. Starglider on the Atari ST and PC did this back in 1986. Having used this in the demo, I was wishing for Joystick support - at least with a joystick, I feel that I'm controlling the game.

So why did the reviewers miss all these points? Did Microsoft promise them that they would be fixed in the final release? Were lots of alcohol involved? Did Microsoft use their favourite trick of supplying a reviewers guide, effectively telling the reviewers what to write?

In my opinion, anyone who is new to space sims would be better off going a finding a bargain basement copy of Wing Commander 4 or Prophecy than this overhyped, out-dated rubbish.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:35 pm

Wow a scathing review. I have no doubts that you won't be buying the game. Although I disagree with you assesment, everyone has a right to their opinion.

I came. I saw. I conquered. And sometimes get conquered.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:36 pm

Troll-alarm... The lightning you describe does not work... not much fun to try hitting those black boxes try to get you because you are at some pitch black spot. Dialoge... If it annoys you so much use the ESC key. Control method... joystick wouldn't work with this game... been over these point a thousand times... Go look at the older threads... *CLICK*

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:37 pm


why are these previewers got it so wrong

They didn't get it so wrong, that's just your opinion. They (and many others) find that the game has very beautiful graphics and good gameplay and you obviously don't, but is it fair to say that they are all wrong, just because you say so ?

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:40 pm

I disagree...and it is you that is missing some things. I have played all the WC games and Privateer , Privateer 2. Freelancer has them all beat by a ton. Is it perfect? No! But what is or ever will be?

As far as the graphics must have a crappy video card or have some settings wrong.

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