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Lack ofEquipment

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Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:36 pm

Lack ofEquipment

OK first off al a like this game and it is very fantastic. I was fan of privateer. But where is equipment ??
I know that there is ove 160 weapons, missles, mines and turrets but what about the rest of equipment ? Where is Sowtware, better targeting system, stronger armor, repairing system, extended cargo, coolers, speed trusters.....

Common AD this was the most exciting thing for me but now almost no equipment except weapons ? In PRIVATEER i was very excited to get colour targeting system but here is already installed and even show you where to shoot ??

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:03 pm

Ehmm... I think they are there....

You get stronger armor with different ships and you can buy different shields...

The repairing system is there --> Nanobots.

The extended cargo is also there, because ships have a different sized cargo bay. Freighters have the biggest.... Civilian / Light & Heavy Fighters have a little less...( You can look up information about this in a station, before you buy a ship )

There are also different Speed Trusters (along with coolers), starting with Normal, then Improved, Heavy, etc., which what I heard have an increase in acceleration and cost lower power (so you have more power for the weapons.)

So basicly, I don't think your complain is very valid ? (Sadly some other people are doing the same, before they really check out all features)


p.s. I think the game is great. I'm allready addicted.

Edited by - StarWolf on 27-02-2003 13:06:06

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:11 pm

I re-read your message.

Did you know you can click on the 4 different symbols when your at an equipment dealer ? It are four small symbols just under you ships fitting, which cycles trough the different upgrades for you ship.

Weapons, Missiles / Mines , Trusters / Shields, Nanobots / Shield boosters, etc.


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:45 pm

Also balrog

Keep in mind some equipment will not be available in the Liberty system. Also a good ideal to scan for dropped loot from a can be surprised what you will find . In many ways this game is a lot more complex than Privateer. And I am a big time Privateer fan.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:28 pm

Starwolf - I think you are mistaken on the power set-up of ships. From what I have seen, the weapons, shields and thrusters draw power from their own independent systems. Shield recharging will never draw power from weapons or thrusters and vice-versa.

The power rating of the ship tells the optimal class of weapon or system it can use, and the max power is the highest class of item you can use on the ship. Using optimal class weapons, and thrusters will result in hardly any power drain (or slow down of shield recharge rate for shields). If you use the max class of equipment, you will see a larger drain on your systems.

Balrog - It's my understanding that with over 30 ships availiable and 160 weapons, shields and thrusters, you don't need to worry about the little stuff. Instead of buying better armor, gun coolers and cargo bays for your ship like you did in Privateer, you just buy a better ship. The higher the class of ship, the more power, armor and cargo space you have! Personally, I'd rather have 30 ships to choose from rather than 3 ships with more junk added to them.
Something else to look forward to (but I don't know if it is really true or not) is that I have heard rumors of secret items: like a unit that will jam scanners from being able to see what is in your cargo hold, and various weapons, thrusters and shields that cannot be bought. I don't understand how the scan jamming thing would work on you ship (Where would you put it?), so I doubt that it is a real item, but there should be plenty of ships, and other thing to keep you busy - I don't think you'll miss the other items from Privateer

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:54 pm

hehe i already dont miss anything. You guysd have a point. Armor generators, cargo is already build in a ship. only software and targeting system is missing from privateer but its ok.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:18 pm

I've played the demo... VERY pleased with it, loads of fun... can't wait for the full release.

Speaking of equipment: in the full, can one buy "sensor jammers" or sumthing, to shield one's cargo holds from those pesky Lawdog's invasive scans?

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:26 pm

No ! there is only weapons and missles. Nanobots and batteries are a must. Only equipment besids weapons is shields. Trusters doesnt count cauze there are only two type of them and you get heavy trusters very quickly.


Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:46 pm

thats a negative balrog

theres one better

much better

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:51 pm

You can have quite a few different shields too. And with all them and the weapons, that's what make the few thruster choices and the recharge rates of the systems differ in certain ways. I think you're unfairly simplifying what everything does...

Edited by - Aerundel on 28-02-2003 14:55:05

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