Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:38 am


Ok, after playing the demo for quite a bit, I come to my wishlist of additions related to the controls of the ship.

a. Roll - yes, I mentioned this before and I mention it again... I just like to roll - you can do some pretty good bombing runs and maneuvres by rolling (like moving in spirals - you can keep your target locked and still dodge) - the function to roll is there, why not map it to keys? (if one doens't want to roll, then don't! )

b. Vertical strafe - I've found that several times when dogfighting in a debris/asteroid field i wish for the ability to strafe vertically (up/down) to either avoid an obstacle or use it for cover. Once more, the strafing function is there, just not enabled for the Y axis and mapped to keys. (and again, if you don't want to strafe vertically - don't! )

This is not, I repeat, not a message dissing the game for not having them. It's a wish from me to the developers for them to be included. What can I say, maybe I am a mutant freak with fast reflexes and _can_ find time to use these (as I do in other games)...

Edited by - taquinvol on 27-02-2003 11:39:05