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Where to order FL as an european (French)

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Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:15 am

Where to order FL as an european (French)

I was just wondering what was the best site for ordering FL from Europe... The demo got me strongly addicted and theres no way i can wait till April 23 when the game will be available March 4... EB Games and the other microsoft recommended site need europeans to do something with their bank, ask for a justification or whatever... Could someone explain it to me, and give me a good address?

And, will there be subtitles in the game? Cause i understand English, but sometimes its just damn too fast .

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:26 am

Unfortunately no subtitles - they say it was due to time constraints and budget (odd since the script has been made and voice acting/synching takes longer than synching text). I guess deaf people will just have to have a person around when playing...

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:51 am

Yah, its unfortunate that theres no subtitles but you can check out Trent's log after the cutscene to see what they talked about.

DVD Box Office ships internationally.

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:34 pm

in regards to the european version: will the version sold in france be in french, i just moved there and thus speak and understand very little of the language... so do they change the language of the games as they change the language of movies? in any case pardon my ignorance in this matter, and in the worstcase scenario; the game being in french, (ignore)where would be the best place to order it from?(/ignore)

edit: damn me for not remebering what i read...

-Sic transit gloria mundi-

Edited by - fjodor on 27-02-2003 15:36:53

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:37 pm

If you get the game in french, it will help you learning the language faster. That's how I learned English and French.
You can ask arround the forums for translation or you can try ordering the game overseas.


Bazil, M. P.
Webmaster and founder of Roughnecks -Freelancer Division
"If you would care to follow me... " -- DEATH of the Discworld

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:37 pm

France! Why would anyone want to move their? j/k

I came. I saw. I conquered. And sometimes get conquered.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:40 pm

@ death:that is of course a valid point, althoug i am planing to gett the game to fill the time i am not studying french, in other words, to take a break... ;p

@: nat: not really a bad place, i just don't understand to much of what people are saying

Edited by - fjodor on 27-02-2003 15:42:37

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:55 pm

fjodor, where are you from originally? It might help just to buy it in English from on of the British websites or American websites.

I came. I saw. I conquered. And sometimes get conquered.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:01 pm

In France there's a movement to try and protect the integrity of the French language. That means they actually aren't allowed to publish games and movies in any language other than French. I could be extremely rude about this, but I won't, and I'll just say import from the UK (or just drive over here and buy it) if you want the English version. Sadly, it won't be out any quicker. are getting the US version in on 7th march for 40 quid, but you'll also have to enquire about sending it to France.

but better is (as already mentioned) which ship for free albeit slowly from canada.

Edited by - kalniel on 27-02-2003 16:02:41

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 6:14 pm

Okay, thanks for the answers ! Ordered it from dvd box , well, it will take 1 week to arrive, but its still better than april 18th . I will improve my english !

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:29 pm

Dumb question, will the american version (as in from DVDbox) run on a UK computer system?

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:49 pm

@ nat: i'm originaly from norway, and thank you for the offer, although i think i shall order it from the link posted above.

-Sic transit gloria mundi-

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 2:40 pm

>Barbazoul : I'm used to order games at They deliver games really quickly from Canada to France, and their price are fine. I ordred Neverwinter Nights and I hadn't any problem. Sadly, Amazon US don't ship in Europe.

> kalniel : you're wrong. You can sell english games in France. That's not a problem. The law only says that you have to join a document in french explaining how to install the software (and I'm sure of that, I'm a french lawyer) with the game and manual in english. Some games were sold in english here : for instance, Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights, Everquest... Most of the games are translated, not because the law, but because people prefer games using their mother tongue, especially if they aren't fluent in english.

> fjodor : as fas as I know, the version sold in France will be in french.

Edited by - Caepolla on 01-03-2003 14:44:52

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 4:09 pm

I'm fench canadian and i will take the Us version to understand englidh better...

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 4:10 pm

sorry for mistakes

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