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3D engine / graphics comment

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Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 9:00 am

3D engine / graphics comment

You know, this Is pretty incredible game! and this is after only playing the demo!

First of all, I can not believe how smooth this 3d engine is.. It just glides man! I am talkin' about Billie D. Williams Colt 45 smooth!! even at full performance.

In addition, I am really impressed with the overall graphics.. I was actually expecting less after hearing all the posts in here regarding this issue. I dont know games you guys have been playing, but I think it is on or near everything I have played... and did I mention how smooth it is???

Man, this game overall is like Flex-All 454... "Its a WINNER!"

Counting down to March..

Dred out

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 9:31 am

Heh he, very nice to hear you're so enthusiastic about Freelancer dredloch

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 9:59 am

I agree, flying a couple of K's in cruise and just looking around in turret view is amazing.
And very relaxing

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:11 am

I like the speed of the 3d engine aswell, it even runs ok on my old geforce 2 gts at 800x600.

What probably could have been done a bit better though, is the scale. Planets are, for example, really small in Freelancer.

I realize that this isn't a simulator, but even old Frontier (released 1993) had planets you could land on, with citys visible from space that were actually there when you flew down.

What I see in FL is an absolutely enormous advancement in graphics, but a step back in what the graphics is actually used to display, compared to a title released 10 years ago in (more or less) the same genre.

Even if FL isn't a simulator, I think the immersion factor would really have been boosted from a slightly more realistic scale.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:59 am

Lol, P3 500 here with a Ge force 4 TI4200. All details maxed, resolution 1280X960. All smooth. I think other developers should take a look at FL and rethink their games. It just rocks.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:04 am

Heh he, that's more like it guys ! Keep posting these positive feeling, because it's really making my day and is such a relief to see and definitely makes up for most of the negative posts lately

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