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Friendly with Rogues?

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Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 8:24 am

I'm not actually friendly with any of them. But my guess would be kill the people they don't like. Thats how you got to be allies with everyone else. So goto Personal Information, select the group you want to be allied with, then kill the people it says that they don't like. I would assume.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:03 pm

Kill Xeno's

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:46 pm

Last night I started fresh , during the first missions,I didn't kill anybody. Then I traded for a bit and built up my ship (using cruise to avoid all fighting/ I had no weapons at all). Then I went to Detroit munitions, killed like 25 xenos. Rogues and Outcasts were still hostile.Then I did a little lane hacking by Newark. I think I killed 4 corporation frieghters. Then both outcast and rogues were neutral...This is in the not really a spoiler (i think)

When it absolutely, positively needs to be ~~*BOOM*~~`(static)

Edited by - DVX Being Funny on 27-02-2003 14:55:17

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:14 pm

Yeah I think you can probally get on their good side but it will take awhile and you will half to fly by the seat of your paints! I'am glad this got brought up again what I did I started to kill Bounty Hunter's! Doing this I would say probally after shooting down about 10-20 this made me netural to all Rouges,Outsiders, all the bad guy's. Now if you go to Buffalo Station they will still not let you land I have not found any other Pirate Bases beside it in the demo! So I plain on shooting down more Bounty Hunter's and Iam going to try to form up with some Outcast or which ever ones that are always takeing down the lanes to get cargo ship's! Join up with them and help my rep with them all more to try to get them all in green! If you can get in green status I would think then they would let you land on their base! Only thing is if you do this be on your guard at all times do to your in a heavy good guy system and man the Bounty's it seem they would only be in groups of 2-3 which are easy to defend but sometime when you get done going through a lane their like 8 of them then its time to high tale it to some where else! So over all in the demo I think you can team up with the bad guy's but it's going to take awhile and going to be real tuff too! Make sure you pick up their cargo the Bountys because you will need ever recharge and nano bots you get!

Edited by - Intimidator#3 on 27-02-2003 15:17:03

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:01 pm


The location of the other, "Rogue base" (actually owned by the Junkers) is the Jersey Debris Field. You'll know you're getting close when you see a bunch of patrol routes (check hostile, neutral, and friendly) converge on a single point. They won't let me be friends with them, but thanks to the advice of other players, I should be fine! I DID manage to get Deluxe THrusters and I think Rampart L.F. Shields. Those babies are my rock and my salvation whenever I'm in a dogfight.

"Life against remotes is one thing. Life against the living? That's something else."
-Han Solo, Star Wars Epidode IV: A New Hope

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:37 pm

I just killed a bunch of Xenos, and a few of those huge transports.

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