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Hull and Sheild Rechargers.

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:19 pm

Hull and Sheild Rechargers.

One thing i really dont like about the game (there are quite a few) and think spoils it a bit is the hull and sheild rechargers. The hull one is the nano bots and cant remember the name of the other but the point is i dont like it as when you use them you instantly get sheilds or hull condition back to full this is a bit stupid an will make fights in multiplayer a bit annoying as well. They should boost them back up at an acceptable speed not instantly repair the hull or recharge the sheilds. What do others thing about this one... I for one dont like it.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:25 pm

Well you can only carry some many plus you get into a big dogfight you will run out of recharges and nanobots real quick! So Iam glad that we have them and that they recharge everything so fast! You will be glad to once you get into a major fight and that those are the only things that save you and get you back to a base to repair!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:25 pm

Well, with my current ship and shields, when I do a recharge, it takes up 5 batteries. At this rate I go through batteries pretty quickly. When you are fighting 12 ships at a time, you start to be thankful for those batteries. In multi, everyone will have batteries, so it won't be such a big deal. Everyone will run out and then someone will die.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:29 pm

Its just stupid how it instantly does it though seems dumb to me and ya ok people will run out in online combat BUT it means that if both have a lot then the battle is going to last for ages and combat will get boring fast.

Edited by - TheMonk on 26-02-2003 18:34:55

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:39 pm

Oh please, you mean a long, drawn out, edge of your seat dogfight will get boring fast? When you think that you are about to destroy your enemy and he boosts his power so you are required to go at him again and again? That doesn't sound boring to me, it actually sounds like it will increase the excitement tenfold.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:04 pm

if you don't want any regeneration, why do'nt you just not carry any nanobots or shield batteries? then you don't have to worry about it

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:26 pm

Well all I half to say is remeber what you say now because when you get in a good dogfight you are not going to last long if you think that way! You will run out of nano bot's and recharge's fast and if you run into a good group of fighter's you might not even have time to use a nano bot much along anything else! If your lucky you might be able to runaway! So it's not going to be easy as alot of folks might think which everyone who thinks this way thier attitudes always change when they die a couple of time's! PvsP will be fun and the teams that teamup the best will always when! 2on6 or 2on5 are not good odds but their's always someone willing to take their chances! Oh well good luck eaither way!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:43 pm

it will be very hard for the solo pilots, will mean we have to go at each other again and again in an attempt to kill the other person, and whoever has the most nanobots/batterys will probably win, making combat somewhat expensive to indulge in

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:03 pm

From a consideration of a "realistic" ( ) standpoint, I think the batteries should provide near instant shield restoration (it's a circuit being "recharged", IMO), but the hull repair should take some period of time to complete repairs (My impression is that tiny machines are "knitting" your hull back together...this WOULD take some noticeable amount of time). Maybe some of the beta testers here can c omment if this was "experimented" with?

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 9:55 pm

I think the nanobots and especially the shield batteries add a new dimension to the combat. You have to learn to economize your batteries. When you're in a big fight and your shields are down to 1/3 you have to make a decision, if you use your batteries you won't have them for later, if you save them two or three enemies may get a bead on you and your gone. Also, you sometimes use the batteries hoping you can finish an enemy off and tractor in his batteries, but you can't count on getting anything good from an enemy.

Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!

By the way, what is "realistic"? As far as I know, no one has yet invented an energy shield let alone proven whether they can or cannot be recharged instantaneously. No one has invented a nanobot either so who knows what amazing feats they are capable of.

Edited by - Ugnaught on 26-02-2003 21:57:09

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