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Why is it?

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:59 pm

Why is it?

I have lurked on a great many game Forums....everything from Neverwinter Nights and Dungeon Seige through Master of Orion 3and Medieval Total War to here at TLR. I have come to the conclusion that no game will ever please some people. Ever. The game could have the most state of the art graphics and still run on a 133. The game could have music composed by John Williams, Varying metal bands Rap and country. The game could have the most intuitive game play that ever existed coupled with an AI that could defeat Kasparov in a chess match. Yet people would still gripe. And it is always really amusing that the biggest gripes come 1-2 weeks prior to release of the full game. This is nigh without fail. This of course doesnt improve for about 3 weeks following the release. Without fail, experts in the genre pratically fall over themselves to tell everyone how disappointed they are with the game, what could be better, what should have been . They do this at length typically till they are blue in the face. Now granted everyone is allowed an opinion (and this is not to say "anyone can have an opinion its just wrong if it is not the same as mine", but dear god it seems as though some individuals hopes and dreams for a game were unbelievably important. Statements like the whole game must be terrible because the demo is not what I expected...ludicrous. Some peoples aspirations for FL must have been pretty high. I mean lets face it people this game nearly never was...the developers went through how many changes? This game was nearly vaporware and yet people still say why doesnt it have this that or the next thing. I just want to say that some people need to relax... take a few deep breaths....say to yourselves "hey its only a game, its not everything I hoped for but hey what in life ever is". Either enjoy the game...or dont.
Another quick thought is why...why in the name of all that is trolliness would you come to a fansite...a site that is dedicated to everything freelancer/starlancer.. and start bashing away? I mean if you have something nice to say...say it. If you have something constructive to say...say it. If you have something Suxx0r to say...think first before posting. Again constructive criticism is fine with me, I myself am a writer...I thrive on is the only way to improve. But to just say "this sucks this could have been better why didnt they do what i want" well those are the words of a spoiled petulant child. Sigh....
Sorry for the long rant I just wanted to get some other peoples opinions on this.


Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:03 pm

I agree, but I think too many people see the game for what it could be and not for what it is, and get too hung up thinking about the "what ifs" to actually enjoy the game. Same thing with any game, but c'est la vie.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:05 pm

amen to that! i'm pretty new to this game and frankly think its pretty cool...definitely the most fun i've had with a game in awhile. do all these naysayers want some uber-game that is the end-all of everything, so that they never ever will have to play another single thing?? i think freelancer does pretty darn well what it does

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:44 pm

Well Iam just glad too see another program like Privateer to be out! I waited along time too see another Scfi like it come out and Ive just played the demo only and I think it ROCKS! I had my pre-order in along time ago and now I cant waite to get it but on this subject ever program got it's goods and bads nothing new on that. Over all just play the one's you like and go on and the one's who dont like it that's fine let them play what they wont. Just dont show up in my part of space someday and try to shoot down my friends because we will turn you into space dust in the FL World! hehe

Edited by - Intimidator#3 on 26-02-2003 19:54:55

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:00 pm

I am very pleased to read your rant.

I agree with you. As for the winers I say give them cheeze to go with their wine.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:03 pm

I love that guy. if only more people thought the same way Velar.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:33 pm

"Another quick thought is why...why in the name of all that is trolliness would you come to a fansite...a site that is dedicated to everything freelancer/starlancer.. and start bashing away? "

I am also confused why people feel obligated to go to a forum for the games and start bashing away. I hate sticking forks in my eyes. Yet I don't feel the urge to go to and whine and moan on how I thought sticking forks in my eyes would be the 1337 /_/83/2 experience. Dynamic economy? who cares. I don't want to spend half of my time flying around trying to find a good deal on goods. I want to find a good trade route and stick with it. Not long enough? Sure everyone would like the game to be longer, but hey, it's gotta end sometime. And how many games let you explore all of the corners of the universe once you are done with it? Not many.

There's always people that like the game and try to offer constructive criticism. but the trolls and whiners wear on everyone's patience and make it a bad experience for all.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:51 pm

Good post Becket. Welcom

And you're right Sarpedon. It's always the "What if's". Jesus... what if i could sh*t diamonds? I would be frickin' rich and would build my own dynamic space shuttle trade lane with our good o' Moon. But that's not how it works. Freelancer was in the pipeline long enough, and there is always room for improvements, but hell, i want to play a game some day and don't wanna wait till i wear my fifth set of teeth.


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 9:29 pm

Welcome Becket Velar

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 9:33 pm

Sometimes people come along, and actually understand why I'm a bit tough on the critics and whiners... Thank you! You just improved my mood tremendously!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:57 pm

I shouldn't have to say this, Bargib, but I'll say it coz you sound you needed it: you're doing a fine job! TLR is your labor of love. I don't know if you're getting any financial backing from MS or DA. But man, you're running this on your own server, without banners, and I doubt that you receive donations from us fans. You're here when you should be having a real life, and I could still remember you spending four hours on additional programming just to keep someone banned (for making racist remarks). So a couple of threads got locked. I did not agree concerning a couple of them, but I can tell you this: you've got greater restraints then I do. Don't worry too much; as you have said before: this site is your home, and if someone gets out of hand, you have the right to shut them up. As Velar said, this should be over in a couple of months, even weeks after market release. So mods and admins, hang in there time will tell who the true fans are.

Thank you.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:27 am

trust me man he does get the odd donation and well done to the original poster i agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments you expressed so eloquently i must admit that i have been critical about some aspects of this game in the past but always in a contructive and none troll like manner however after playing the demo and talking to some very knowledgable friends who have had access to the full game i have to admit that despite the minor (and fair) critisisms that can (and should be ) be leveled at this game i have to say that it is excellent and i will be playing it for a very long time (mainly multiplayer) i will finish of by listing my critisisms and my view and them in relation to the overall playing experience

1. the base side conversations are repetitive---> well i dont really mind that my esc key works just fine

2. no dynamic economy and no missions relating to trade (from--->again i dont really mind the former but the latter should really have been included. (theres always a patch or addon though)

3.some of the planets etc look to small and puny--->well no not really i dont mind and it think the developers had good reasons not to make them bigger.

well short list i guess but that sums up my list anyway no onto my overall view of the game

1.the mouse combat and neural net are very good worked better that thought it would

2. i love the comms between ships and stations

3. the graphics are stunning

4. the scale of the game even from the demo is just great

5. the dynamic rep system is a very good idea

6. the tradelanes are a masterstroke (i know i have said this before but they really are nice)

7. base side menus and trading is very well executed

all in all i could go on to list more stuff that i like about this game but just to restate my earlier point i will be playing this for a long long time,and enjoying every minute of it,just from talking to one of my friends about some aspects of the game really made me think about all the possibilitys in it,weapons trade runs tactics etc i can hardly wait to get my server up i have got four copies on preorder from the usa 2 for my lan and two for friends who want it just from playing the demo...need i say more


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:20 am

Great post Becket, you summed up my thoughts on the situation exactly. Actually this is the best post ive read in weeks. five thumbs up and welcome to the forums.

Ah, she's built like a steak house but she handles like a bistro. - Zapp Brannigan

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:04 am

Welcome Becket Velar.
You made an excellent point there. I was on several game forums and before the release the board becames a trollfest. Sad really. I can say I didn't expect much from the game (you can read my previous posts) but when I tried the demo yesterday I loved it.
I guess you're right, Saperdon. People expect too much, do not read FAQ or forum posts and never actually understand what's the game about anyway .
The probable reason for my satisfaction is that I actually didn't expect anything from the game and waited to try the demo and to judge for myself.
But really, 6 milliards of people in the word could never agree on something otherwise there wouldn't been wars and conflicts. So let's enjoy the game and don't let those trolls spoil our experiance .


Bazil, M. P.
Webmaster and founder of Roughnecks -Freelancer Division
"If you would care to follow me... " -- DEATH of the Discworld

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:00 am

I salute and welcome you Becket Velar !!

It's a really nice read and a relief to see between the somewhat more negative posts lately

Great stuff

Oh, and're doing a great job and I truly respect and appreciate what you and the staff have been doing so far

*group hug*

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