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Is this forum for Fans or FANatict?

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:36 pm

Is this forum for Fans or FANatict?

I cant undestand why you shut down sincere discussions about the game's pros and cons. It is utterly beyond me. I can undestand discontent with the negative nonconstructive "bashing" some ppl post. But sincere discussion plz.
I came here to see if I was missing the point totaly and that the game had worthwhile features I was missing.

Sincere discussion about the pros and cons of a game should be encouraged. If the members begin to get the impression that this site is nothing more than an extension of the marketing arm of Microsoft or Digital Anvil, then credibility in the information presented by the site's staff may lose credibility.

I couldnet agree more plus. the discussions might benifit a sequal.
Oh and when you shut down a thread could you post the reason plz.

Instead of shutting down threads why dont you shut down the trolls?

The moderators should take some responsibility... When I wonder If I should buy a game I find a Fan Forum and see what the fans have to say about it but with the fan forum being censored you only get one side of the story this is very nonprofessional.

There are as many fans of freelancer that have been dissapointet as thrilled with the game and I ask is this site for the Fans or the Fanatics because if it's only for the fanatics I wont waste anymore of my time here trying to debate the pros and cons of the game in a sincere way.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:44 pm

us fans dont come here to "debate" the pros and cons of the game. We come here to share our experience and enjoy talking to each other.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:48 pm

Dangerous stance Dragoro.
Over moderated web-sites die a slow painful death.
Don't you realize that the real troll's leave after a short while anyway?
But those who are legitimate, mature gamers don't need to be told how to post their feelings on a game they've been waitting for, for years.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:56 pm

No worries Pavlov, im not a mod, not even tryin to influence the mods.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:58 pm

The full game hasn't been released yet ...I'm sure when it does, there will be an Official site to lodge complaints/suggestions. Yes, this is a fan site. Gib is doing what he can to keep it flowing. He's not on any DA/MS payroll.

When it absolutely, positively needs to be ~~*BOOM*~~`(static)

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:03 pm

It's simple, fubzot. You have probably played an illegal version of the game, because it is not yet released. That hurts the game's developer/publisher. Then, you post a negative review on a forum, potentially hurting the game's developer/publisher yet AGAIN. People might not buy the game because of your posts.

Warezing is immoral, and with your posts, you take it to extremes.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:04 pm

Oh, and by the way:

Hello, all!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:06 pm

Hi Zero G.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:09 pm

hiyas Zero, glad to have another fan around to talk to

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:16 pm

It's simple, fubzot. You have probably played an illegal version of the game, because it is not yet released. That hurts the game's developer/publisher. Then, you post a negative review on a forum, potentially hurting the game's developer/publisher yet AGAIN. People might not buy the game because of your posts.

Warezing is immoral, and with your posts, you take it to extremes

Because you ASSUME I have played an illegal copy of the game Ihave no say?

I admit I have only played the demo what Info I have besides that I got form THIS site and a couple of previews from so I started a post debating the game because It was a game I had been waiting for for 4 yrs. I was at the least to say dissapoitet and before I was certain I was going to buy the product now I had my doubts and wantet to settle these through a debate wich got shut down for reasons beyond me.....

I dont troll I dont call ppl names or point my finger at anyone who happens to dissagree with what I say......

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:31 pm

It was easy to get the impression that you played the full version from all the stuff you were posting. But since you admit you only have played the demo, all your arguments have become irrelevant since you are basing everything you say on things you heard from others. Therefore, you and your arguments are irrelevant.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:41 pm

Hrm... Why do all game forums have a tendacy for being exhibition stands of obsessive behaviour?

This is a game! A game! For fun (you know ) ...
Some people will like it, some will not. Some will have a list of things they didn't like and some will have a list of things they did like - why take it all personally or display it all in a "this game is bad" manner?

There are some things in FL that I don't like. There - I've said it. So what, though? I am not saying it's a _bag game_ I just say "this things here - I don't like them" in hope that perhaps therea are more people who share my view and a developer might hear them in the future and fix them.

But there are also some things in FL that I do like. So what, again? I'm not saying it's the _best game_ - I just say "this things here - I like them" - it's a completely subjective report. If I had a chance I'd gather all the things people like and don't like and hand them over to the developers so they can sort out a TODO list or something like that. It's called "user input".

There's no sense in "rating a game" as there is no sense in debating whether a person is right or wrong to not like a feature or to like another one. Making a concise list of things you like and don't like on the other hand is a different matter. I'd say "bravo and good show on that, old chap" for taking the time to actually do this - it shows you sincerely care for the game you're possibly going to buy and developers should pay attention to you.

... and, oh yes... it's just a game! *sobs in the corner muttering 'just a game... so sad...'*

Edited by - taquinvol on 26-02-2003 18:42:06

Edited by - taquinvol on 26-02-2003 18:43:39

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:43 pm

what does it matter if its a fansite or not. its pretty much one of the bigger freelancers sites around. being that you have the biggest audience dont doubt for a minute that DA doesnt read your boards simply to find out how people feel about there games.

allowing negative posts with the positive posts will only increase your viewers for the site as people feel they can honestly discuss what they are happy with and unhappy with in the game.. with people of like minds.

for the mods to go around shutting down any posts they dont like because it puts a negative light on freelancer is not only unfair but will drive off alot of potential regulars. hell even halflife wasnt that big of a game till the mods started rolling out for it. and its users made it pretty much the #1 FPS online.

im HOPING that MS/DA will reconsider releasing an editor for the game. so that those of us who are unhappy with some parts of the game can edit and create mods that will be more to our liking.

no one is stating that the game is just a piece of crap and you shouldnt buy it. most of the posts have stated that there are SIGNIFICANT flaws in the game that detract from its enjoyment. posting those flaws and suggestions on what to do about it should not be censored but encouraged so that the community as a whole can grow.

ive had my gripes about the game and there are a number of em that seem silly as to why they werent included in the game. but that doenst mean i dont enjoy whats there.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:52 pm

Well the way I see it is that the negative posts are a good thing. If the developers actualy read the forums and take not of the negatives they can add the things or change things that are causing a lot of negativity in the game via patches and make the game better and better. All games arnt perfect when they are released but patches play a big part in a games development. I hope to see lots of new features missions and maybe ships added in future patches and if were really really lucky and if the developers know whats good for the game they will add dynamic prices for goods and even equipment.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:55 pm

amen monk.

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