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About to try it.....

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:31 pm

About to try it.....

Hi Guys,

I know its been a month or two, but got caught up else-where.

At the moment, I'm downloading the demo from Freelancer, and I can't wait!

I'm seeing a lot of new names here, so I guess things are picking up big time.

Hopefully, in about 20 mins I'll be playing the game for the first time, so Gibby, Tachy, EB and Wiz, it'll be time to find out if you lot are right and I am (hopefully) wrong ;P


33 years, and
still going strong

.................. know it makes sense.
FEEL the Force

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:57 pm

Welcom back.
Have fun with the demo
Hope u like it.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:45 pm


Smooth game play with all settings maxed. Looks VERY pretty. First mission completed easily....very quick to get into it I must say.

Two things I am wondering about; what happened to the FMV intro released for E3 2000 (or 2001) with the flight from Sol system?? And where did the Bar Man get the 'good stuff' from? Looked like he reached down behind the bar as if to a shelf, but when the camera pans back....its just blank?

As for the flight control system, I have to say very easy and intuative to use, and despite my previous (and numerous) ramblings, I think I'll be able to use it to good effect. Gonna have to sort out my mouse sensativity I think, but that'll will happen in due course I guess.

Is it better than, or even good enough to replace my 'joystick'? I dunno. Too soon to tell. I found myself thinking initially I wish I was using one, but with that second battle in the space lanes I was right 'in there'.

So, for me, the jury is still out, but its a LOT better than I imagined it would be, thats for sure!


33 years, and
still going strong

.................. know it makes sense.
FEEL the Force

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:52 pm

Welcome back andy!

Two things I am wondering about; what happened to the FMV intro released for E3 2000 (or 2001) with the flight from Sol system??

I think they'll show it in the full game. No need for that in a demo.

And it's good to hear you like the mouse control

"God bless this acid house!"
"I was near the scene of another crime at the time, officer."

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:33 pm

Hey Andy, welcome back !!

To actually hear one of the biggest joystick fans alive say he likes the mouse driven controls......well I just.....I'm overwhelmed....

*wipes tears*

BTW, perhaps it's time to change your sig ?

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:03 pm

its good to see you back andy , any of the others like gram likely to be popping their heads in the door?
as another minor point hey i got shouted at for having a sig along those lines (although it was a tiny weenie bit more agressive)

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:10 pm

I think they'll show it in the full game. No need for that in a demo.

And it's good to hear you like the mouse control

They cut parts of it, its now a lot shorter. At least I heard

Edited by - Apocalypse on 26-02-2003 17:13:31

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:13 pm

Thanks for the welcome back guys,

And Spawn, I saw Gramski post recently. Spit and Ship still kicking about via MSN. Scythe has well and truely defected to Dark Age of Camelot, and Ent is off doing Tribes 2 stuff I believe.

What about the Wolf Pack? They back in action?


ps ... time to change my sig I guess....

33 years, and
still going strong

Mouse....well, maybe, just maybe......
FEEL the Force

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