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How does trade work?

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Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 10:40 pm

How does trade work?

1) In planet information I can see what it BUYS and what it SELLS. Yet I can just as well sell to a planet that sells, so what gives?
2) It sometimes says "best buy price", does it mean it is best for me to buy or sell there?
3) When I come to some planet to cell there is a red indicator near the component (in my cargo) and the tooltip says that it is a "bad price for this planet". Does it mean that it is a bad price NOW? When will it change? And when would the indicator turn green at all?


Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 11:05 pm

1) Confused is a good description. I have no idea what you are asking, but you can sell ANYTHING to ANY planet, but you can only buy what a certain planet offers (ok, once you sell something to a planet, you CAN buy it back, but this is confusing enough as it is).

2) When it says "best buy price" it means that this is the lowest buying price YOU are aware of at the moment. You become AWARE of prices when you land somewhere that buys/sells commodities or you buy info from someone in a bar. You can buy or sell whatever, but to make money you: BUY LOW - SELL HIGH.

3) I haven't paid much attention to these, but first off the prices will NOT change. As far as I know, the economy is static (meaning prices will never change). I'll let someone else explain the block colors as I have never paid them much attention (I didn't even know they gave a tool tip until this post).

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 11:47 pm

1) Yes, you are able to sell to a planet that sells the same thing. I thin the planet information screen is just for you to quickly look at what is bought and sold there. If you were looking for a particular commodity to buy because you know it will sell well somewhere else, this will tell you at a glance whether this planet sells it, so you can drop down ther and buy it.

2) I have only seen it say Best Known Price next to something which means that this is the best place to sell that commodity out of all the docking places you have been. I haven't seen it say Best Buy price, but if it did have that, I would assume it would be the lowest price you know of to buy something. Make sure as to whether it says Best Known Price or Best Buy Price.

3) Here is what the boxes mean:
If you want to buy something:
Red - The price is higher here than the average selling price.
Yellow - The price is about average.
Green - The price is lower here than average and therefore you would probably want to buy this commodity from this place.

If you want to sell something:
Red - The price the merchant will give you for this is below average. Go somewhere else to get more for your goods.
Yellow - The price is average.
Green - They are paying really well here for this commodity and this is probably the place to come to sell this commodity.

Basically, you would want to buy commodities from places rated with a green box and sell them at places rated with a green box.

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