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Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:35 pm


After downloading the demo i played fl for about 2 hours,and have one word to say ,FANTASTIC. Yes it could do with escort missions ect,but the polish and feel of fl far outways this minor criticism.Iwould also like to be able to reverse my x axis.
And i can tell any joystickers not to worry,the mouse really does work,and believe me because i am a joysticker myself.
Now im at a critical stage of the demo,iwant to play it for hours,but i allso dont want to dilute the full game when i bye it,what a predicament.
Just a small question to the mods,will we get any patches & updates on TLR.
So in summary BYE FL listen to the criticism, keep a open mind,and bye it anyway.Remember you can please all of the people some of the time,some of the people all of the time, but you cant please all of the people all of the time.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:01 pm

I am glad you have enjoyed the demo...I know I have. Will there be patches and mods to the game later...I would certainly think so! Very, very few games are perfect in all aspects when first released. In fact..I have never played a game yet that I thought was 100% perfect. The DA team at Digital Anvil has worked hard on Freelancer and I can not see them not trying to make the game better in order to address the concerns of the fans.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:07 pm

I hope to see patches for the game as well as time goes on. Maybe see more mission types added maybe even new equipment ships and game features. There are loads of games that have featues not in them because of time issues then they later come out in patches after the developers have had time to add them so lets keep our fingers crossed.

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