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Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:11 pm



I was wondering what people think of freelancer compared to other very similar games such as EgoSofts x-beyond the frontier series (not only the first one) and the Battlecruiser 3000AD / Millenium series?

All 3 games are pretty much the same.... or claim to be. Basically free exploration and living in a diverse dynamic world with NPC's doing their own thing, with the player not affecting the world too much.... or something like that.

I have played the previous two, and only the demo of freelancer, I gotta say Im dissapointed by the 'fake' economy system, which the other two did have implemented and worked very well with.

What do u guys think?


Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:22 pm

Ok here is my comparison- i have heard poeple rave and rave about the x-gold
series but have looked and looked, it isn't even available anymore and their web site is dead- this is kind of a off topic but if anyone can tell me where i can buy this i would be happy to do a comparison- i have never even seen it around is it Uk

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:25 pm

Well, they are similar in that there is a free universe out there to explore. I would say the big features that dinstinguish these games are as follows:

Freelancer: Very beautiful and expansive universe. I think it is the most diverse universe of the three. Also, it has the a pretty cool single player story, which X-Tension does not have and BCM sort of has, but not really.

Battlecruiser: You can go land on a planet and fly around the planet. You can also do more than fly in a ship. You can be a marine (armed with a gun) or drive ground vehicles.

X-Tension: I think the big features here are the dynamic economy and the fact that you can build your own factories and bases and your own fleet of ships. You can send your freighters off trading and have ships guard your bases.

That is my take on the three and you will notice I never said which I liked better.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:26 pm


Yeh the original x-btf was an awesome game!!! u could control and own statons, refineries and factories... make ur own ships and sell them to make money... the economy system was dynamic, so if one resource was need at a factory u could see it for more etc.... awesome game.

I just noticed that the egosoft site is down too Its a game made by a german developer as far as I know.


Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:28 pm

Ok here is my comparison- i have heard poeple rave and rave about the x-gold
series but have looked and looked, it isn't even available anymore and their web site is dead- this is kind of a off topic but if anyone can tell me where i can buy this i would be happy to do a comparison- i have never even seen it around is it Uk

It is true that X-Gold is sold out. You can buy the German version currently and use a paramter on the EXE to have it be in English. You also have to download a 100M file to convert some other stuff over to English. When I bought this game, I had to have it shipped from overseas and I have never seen it in a store in the U.S.

They are currently working on a sequel called X2 which will have a rolling demo (a demo you watch but cannot play, so it basically shows you how it will look on your computer and how well it will run) and then a real demo some time after that. I would guess that the game should be released this year. I am not sure whether we will have to have it shipped from Europe again or if they will be pursuing having it published in the U.S.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:29 pm

I just noticed that the egosoft site is down too

Yes, but it was working yesterday, so it looks like they are just having some server troubles or something.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:31 pm

Very well summed up on the comparison DiscoJason!


Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:03 pm

I saw a rolling demo for X-gold I thing 12mb dl and it was beautiful!
course it was just a movie and doesnt really reflect the game-

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:07 pm

I played XBF and while it was a good game to play..I do not think it will compare equally to Freelancer. Freelancer will be a much more complex game...with a lot more stuff to do and such. Frankly....owning a factory and then having to check on it from time to time was a pain after a while. Freelancer is in a class all by itself!

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 10:56 pm

Well, if you want to see some shots of X2 (obviously the sequel of X) then go here for general shots or here for cockpit shots. The graphics engine is fully DX9 compliant and has cool bumpmapping effects among others.

If you want to know more about the game itself (what it features, and what is planned 'til release in a couple of months) I could gladly write up a feature list

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 11:04 pm

*Click* Comparison threads are quickly locked at the moment. Please read the FAQ for explaination, and email me if you don't uderstand!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

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