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Two problems...

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Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 6:50 pm

Two problems...


I would like to point out two problems with the game that I dislike, I understand that others may not be affected by this but I would like to see it fixed in the game.

1) The Max Steele Bug -----

I have to agree with Max that this is a bug which is really annoying. It has far greater consequences than just cosmetic effects. Basically what Max has uncovered means that all freighters are FULL at ALL times, that means a pirate can kill and attack any freighter for LOOT / Money.... It would be better if freighters were empty, then the pirates would have to select those which are empty. Basically it lets the pirates get easy money, from ANY freighter.

Secondly, having no dynamic economy sux, simply bcos you cannot weakin a system by starving it of resources. Lets say you kill all freighters with food or gold etc... going into a certain system / starbase. That starbase should begin to weaken economically, it should have food shortages AND it should have problems producing ships etc... bcos its getting no resources. If that happens it should send out patrols / Army to try and regain the trade routes so it can make profit again, otherwise it will die. BUT because freelance has no dynamic real world economy it doesnt matter how many freighters you kill, as all they are there for is for you to get money, and for cosmetic value, each starship will still get the same amount of money even if you kill of all the freighters, so basically freighters are USELESS.....

ok enough of that

2) Another bug I dont like, but others may not care about it.... just voicing my opinion. Lets say you have ship1 and ship2.

Ship1 is enemy to you, BUT neutral to ship2.
Ship2 is friendly to you, BUT neutral to ship1.

You are enemy to ship1 but neutral to ship2.

If you and ship1 and ship2 are in the same area and ship1 is attacking you, shouldnt ship2 help you out because they are allied with you and only neutral to ship1? If an allied friend sees you in distress fighting other enemy ships, or neutral to them they should help you... just as you help them to gain their liking.

Lets say you have 3 pirates chasing you, and you wont be able to kill them, you fly into your friendly area... your friends should help you, instead of just watching you get butchered by these 3 pirates.

thats about it, otherwise the game is very good.

If you guys like this game, but want a dynamic economy and a totally free universe like this try x-beyond the frontier or even better, X-Tension.....

I havent played the new Battlecruiser Millenium, how does that compare to freelancer?

Cyas later,


Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 6:56 pm

whilst you say that playing in the demo a lot of the transports i scanned where empty (however this was the demo)
jumpgate had (still had i guess) a dynamic economy, but that was a mmorpg, whereas fl isn't as much mmorpg, to make the economy dynamic would probably open it up to a lot of abuse without the devs controlling it all one just a few big servers, so its probably not a bad thing in the end

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