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Two Q''s regarding factions and mission variety

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Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 11:34 am

Two Q''s regarding factions and mission variety

Ok, I've got two questions for ya... :-)

1. I assume taking jobs for a specific faction increases their friendliness to you. But does it affect anything more? If I wish to play for the bounty hunters for example, does this give me anything special other than that they are friendly towards me? Special bounty-hunter missions? Do they come to help if I'm attacked by, say, Outcasts? Right now, I can't see any special difference between spending a lot of time increasing your rep or just keeping it around the "neutral" level. Perhaps you might be able to enter a pirate base to get a Dromedary or something like that if you're friendly towards them, but that's specific to the pirates. What about the large amounts of other factions that aren't as extreme as pirates, but where you can still try to increase your rep for, like bounty hunters?

2. So far, all missions I get are hunt & destroy that group, hunt & destroy that person, hunt & destroy that facility. There seem to be these three kinds. It gets a little boring although I can stand it... But it would still be nice if other missions were "unlocked" later on. I really miss those passenger missions of Elite and cargo delivery (not trading, but someone gave you a parcel or something to deliver to a specific planet). Elite even had spy missions where you got a spy camera installed in your cargo and had to photograph something. ;-) I know this isn't Elite, but a little mission variety would be nice. Edit: Oops... I'm talking about random missions. :-)

Edited by - Jugalator on 25-02-2003 11:58:21

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:10 pm

1. Increasing your rep with a faction is good because if you get them into the green they will come to your aid if you get in a scrap with the chaps you are not so popular with. Usually your enemies are thier enemies. But you can't be friends with everyone and those that hate you with a passion will attack you on site and refuse you landing authorisation to thier bases.

2. Nope that's it regarding the missions. They are not all that varied but there is still more to do in Freelancer than elite, go off the beaten track and see what you can find. I've found in the demo version, one unmapped pirate station, two unmapped jump stations, a jump hole and been able to access some legitamate level 2 weapons.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:19 pm

1. You can buy their better weapons and equipment and get higher paying missions if you get on their good side.

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Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 1:03 pm

Cool, I didn't know about the unmapped stuff, except for the natural jump "holes" which I haven't found any of yet. :-) I guess I have to do some more exploration then, didn't know there were even unmapped outposts.

It's unfortunate the random missions aren't more innovative than they are, but I agree this game certainly has other qualities if you're going to compare it with Elite.

Ok, good to know friendly factions might help me, although I wonder how you get better equipment from being friendly towards a specific faction? Can you just buy it at a regular equipment dealer if your rep is good enough?

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 6:32 pm

If your reputation is too low with a faction, but high enough that they'll let you land, the equipment dealer won't sell you certain things. Also the bar might not offer you jobs. There is a message that says something like, 'you can't buy this until you're on freindlier terms'. Then you either have to bribe someone, or you can fight the base's enemies to improve your rep. Often when you leave a base there will be people attacking it, and you can join in on the base's side.

Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!

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