I can state categorically that not all forums that allow wide-ranging discussion, degenerate into flamewars. The reason I can say this is that I am one of the lead moderators at
www.lucasforums.com, and we let people discuss anything they want, with a small bullet-list of guidelines:
1. The topic must be in the appropriate forum (or it gets moved).
2. No attacking or insulting of other forum members (or the post gets deleted/edited; repeated offenses result in banning).
3. No offensive, hurtful, or meaningless topics (such as how how the Nazis were right, rape is cool, or let's see how many exclamation points we can post; these threads get locked).
Debate - heated debate - is encouraged, especially where it involves any aspect to one of our covered games. We make every attempt to leave threads unlocked, and simply delete junk posts. There are, unfortunately, some threads that need to be locked or even removed, because they simply have no redeeming value whatsoever, but that is very rare. We are continually commended on the way our forums are run, the information people find there, and above all, about the friendly community that we have. People know they can talk straight and get honest information (while conforming to the guildelines mentioned above).
Having said all that, it seems that the moderators here are doing a good job, for the most part, in my opinion - for what that's worth. The only suggestion I would make, again, is to make every attempt to be tolerant of less-than-glowing comments about the game. Once people know they can trust the content in the forums, they'll keep coming back.
Not that anyone offered me a penny for my thoughts, but there's my two cents anyway...keep the change.
Edited by - Vagabond on 26-02-2003 02:27:05