Troll Den
I just played the [demo/PR beta/Warez/Ripped off original/mindgame that is called Freelancer and have the following to say..
1. The controls are [great/crap/where's my joystick
2. There could've been more missions, like tribbles or something.
3. The enemy AI is easy, and I'm an expert at AI
4. What does AI mean by the way ?
5. Why can't I own more ships ?
6. It isn't as good as [Elite/Privateer/Privateer2/X-BtF/a good crap
Please don't flame me because I think your game is crap, even though I'm a complete luser who needs a good mail-bombing.
There you go, no need to type, just delete the bits that apply and Bob's your mothers' brother
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