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Original Elite and Freelancer

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:03 pm

Comet? Are you talking about the original Elite? Because planet landing and a trully connected universe did not exist in the original Elite?!?

It happened in Frontier, which was very buggy, and honostly - not fun! Very bland!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:41 pm

Yes..your right about Elite Frontier Bargib. I played it and it was buggy as all get out. Took it back and got another game. And I agree with you that Freelancer has 99% of the same positive things that made Privateer great. Freelancer is just plain fun! And that is the only reason I play computer games.

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