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Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 4:34 am


I remember reading the FAQ and it used to say there would be subtitles. Now I tried the demo, and it's not. Checked the FAQ again, and now it says that it won't due to time constraints. This really makes me mad. My hearing isn't very good, and english is much more easier to understand when reading than listen to.

Does anyone have any idea if they will make a subtitles patch for Freelancer or not? If they won't, then I will probably wait until a budget release and don't play it much anyway Subtitles are VERY important for me.


Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:23 am

Nice Idea...hope someone will do that...know more than a few hearing impaired people who might like the game

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:42 am

So no subtitles in the European-English version of FL ?
Thats a shame

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:49 am

There are sooooo many conversations in FL and it's almost impossible to make subtitles for them since every conversation is split into 4 or 5 or so parts and everytimes it's different


United SL Modelers¸
Administrator for World Of Gamers
Webmaster for Red Faction World

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:49 am

Mad Dog just told me that there are no subtitles in the gold version of FL. I doubt if there is going to be a patch for it.

On the other hand, all the important stuff (rumors, missions) are all in written text. So you just miss the other conversations. If you live in France or germany you'll have localized versions.

"God bless this acid house!"
"I was near the scene of another crime at the time, officer."

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:04 pm

They could have done subtitles for the mission-specific speech in SP though, that wouldn't have been too hard.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:34 am

Yes Mad Dog, I'm fully aware of that. Each conversation is made of several parts. But it shouldn't be so hard to include subtitles for them. I'm sure every .wav file (or whatever they are using) are assigned to a certain ID number in the game database. It's "only" to assign a piece of text to each sound ID. Sure, it's a boring and time consuming task. But hard, no.

For example. If a conversation is made of soundvoice sample 34, 40, 12 and 82 then the game just write the subtitles assigned to those samples while playing them.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:39 am

Read the explaination in the Log!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 1:32 am

Yes. I know I can do that. However, it feels a bit awkward to know what the conversation was about first afterwards It's like talking to a friend but not knowing what the talk was about until I read my diary, or something

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:52 am

Not anyone else who wants subtitles in the game?
Seems like I'm in a major minority then!

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:44 pm


Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:51 pm

It would be a nice add-on feature as long as I could turn it off! This could be a issue to be addressed with any future patch. As I have allways said..the amount of support we get on Freelancer depends on how well it sells.

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