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Please stop and think before you "slam" anything/a

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:41 am

Please stop and think before you "slam" anything/a

Greetings all,

I have been reading this forum for quite a while now, and I just have to say that what I have seen written here over the past few days has made me quite sick.

"Trolls" coming to put down the game and cause "flamewars".
Freelancer fans, and even Moderators, defending the game to the point of seemingly wearing blinders to any fault/flaw it may actually have.
And, a general feeling of hostility in about 90% of the posts I read from just about everyone.

I am just asking that EVERYONE stop and THINK before they post anything here.
That is the ONLY true way to weed out the TRUE "trolls" that are only trying to make the game look bad, and trying to make it seem like an utter failure.

If somebody posts an HONEST OPINION about the game don't flame them, don't make yourself look like a mindless goon which can only see what the marketing departments wish you to see!
Allow them to have an opinion, and allow them to have the right to share it.

Telling somebody that says they are disappointed by "this or that" in the demo; "Well you just played the demo, the full game is better!".
Then telling somebody that HAS played the "full" version, even if it may be a "warez" version; "Well you just have a copy, it's not the same as the retail so your opinion doesn't matter!".
Well, it just serves to make you look close-minded, and very fanatical.

I haven't played the Demo Version...I would rather see the full version with fresh eyes.
I haven't played a "Warez" Version...even though it is EXACTLY the same as the copy you get off a store shelf, copied right from a GOLD DISC itself!
And, if the attitudes of the people in this forum reflect what the atitude of the players of the game in general will be I do not think I will even be playing the Retail Version....not because the game fails, or lacks anything, but because I look forward to a MultiPlayer Community--not an online Cult of Fanatics.

You don't help the game, nor the genre, to grow, or even SURVIVE, by reacting to negative comments with hostility, ignorance, or close-mindedness!
You help the game by showing that you are open to opinions, and by offering to help others find the GOOD in the product!
It is the difference between;
"You didn't give the game a chance! Go play something BattleCruiser!"
"Email me, or join me in MultiPlayer, and I will show you around or give you some tips!"
That is the difference!

Think before you post.
The "trolls" will cut their own throats, don't cut yours.

Thanks for you time,



And this too shall pass.


Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:47 am

Here here.

Though, I think the problem with aggresive posts defending the game is the fact that the game isnt even officially out yet. The people currently reviewing the game are either PR beta recipitants (maybe), contest winners (doubt it) or people who DLed warez (most likely).

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:49 am

I dont agree, if someones going to warez, that makes em a thief and means thier oppinion means nothing. I have no problem letting em know so either.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:54 am

"Email me, or join me in MultiPlayer, and I will show you around or give you some tips!"

Funny, this is almost exactly word for word what I say to new people when they log into my server. Now that's scary.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:56 am

Good words. It's difficult to take this all in stride, as all of us regulars have invested so much, psychologically, into the game, whether we've played it or not. We do need to be a bit more level-headed (I'm going crazy at the moment). I always just get pissed off (in general) when people start off biased against something, play it anyway, and then say "I knew it, the thing sucks," but the only reason they think that is because they never bothered to give it a chance, to get into it! What's worse is when someone d/ls the warez and actually has a good time with it, but then starts rationalizing to himself "Ehhh...well I got enough enjoyment out of it, no need to pay $50 for a legit copy since, ahhh, you know, it'll just get repetitive and all that...yeah."

Obviously it's hard to tell when someone is like this, and when they *genuinely* find the game uninteresting.

It's also a problem when these negative reviews start clouding unexperienced's ALWAYS better to give a game you haven't played the benefit of the doubt.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:59 am

Dregaro's pretty bitter he doesn't have a newsgroup account isn't he?

Playing online with others is pretty much the best part of this game. It's just cool to work together. I haven't tried a server where players can attack each other, not much looking forward to it anyways. I allready had a character that experienced a game bug that gave him 300,000,000 and change. In a multi server where I could attack others, that could get pretty messy.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:01 am

nope just dont like kids that warez, steal and then lie about it

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:05 am

Yeah that is funny.

People are definitely entitled to their opinion. However, I think if you steal a game, and yes warez is stealing, then you have absolutley no right to complain.

I'm not accusing anybody of having a warez copy, but anybody who has the full game and was not a beta tester, then they most likely have a warezed copy of the game. If not, I apologize.

To the warez users, it's because of people like you that more and more companies are stopping production of computer games and going over to consoles.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:23 am

Tough...those who steal games should get what they deserve. I will only respect the reviews of the players who paid for it . Is that harsh? I like to think of it as being "firm" in what you beleave in.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 2:14 am

I don't wish to flame or cause hard feelings anywhere but post are where debates are held if there were no responses it would be a pretty lame forum
I just want to point out that in all the time I have been following Freelancers progress here( you're right I dont post much but I can read) I was very much impressed with the people's manners and and usually presice comments. Nothing at all nasty or derogatory compared to other forums such as The Elder scrolls forums- I was pleasantly surprised by everyone actually acting in an adult fashion- poeple pretty much conversing about a game that they were all happy came off the dead list and is getting published. Along comes some people who I don't think are real fans of the genre and they have their opinion of the game and thats fine by me but i don't worry about it because they have expressed themselves and will probably move on. Masters of orion3 and gothic2 will be coming out soon and they will be heading there to give their opinions-they won't like em either I'll bet!
Shoot, If I bought half of the games that Andrew Park of gamespot liked, all I would need is one cd case.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 8:39 am

Dredd: excellent post.

Carver: I'm a fan of the genre, I'm only not agreeing with the direction the genre is taking. Space games have now become RPG's in space, with dumbed-down interfaces (probably to make a console port's M$ after all, so we're gonna see a SuckBox version soon).
Look at E&B, Freelancer...emm, that's about it regarding space games.

If you like it, great. Have fun! But let other people voice their opinions too. Oh, and Dragoro, stop being so focused on pirating. You sound jealous.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:03 am

People are definitely entitled to their opinion. However, I think if you steal a game, and yes warez is stealing, then you have absolutley no right to complain.

I do agree, I notice a lot of pirates get so many games (I know some that get 4+ a week), they pretty much have seen everything and have forgotten what it was like to get a new game...the freshness of spending your saved money on a game, reading the manual, they pretty much become more and more spoiled and demand more in more in games. I mean, geez, you are getting the game for free!!! What more do you want? Microsoft to come to your house and fix the game for you?

I disagree with what you say about warez being the cause of the rise in console sales though and lack of PC Game sells, as console pirating is almost as common as PC pirating. It's also much more than that, such as costs are cheaper importing to one system (without trying to configure a game for 1000's of different PC variatons), plus the majority of people rather turn on their TV and console, and start playing instead of buying computer upgrades, ugrading drivers, etc...

But one thing I really wish people will stop doing...STOP TALKING ABOUT WAREZ! What you do is your own business, but repeating the same stuff over and over again gets irritating. If you got the game early, fine...if you disagree with warez, fine...just the "Freelancer Discussion" doesn't seem the proper place to start insulting other people based on their beliefs.

We should close this thread since it is off-topic as it is.

I pity da foo, thug, o villian that trys takin' over da world, then comes home cryin' to his mamma!
-Mr. T

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 11:11 am

I'm putting extra restraints on myself for the last couple of days . I haven't even played the demo yet. I tend to avoid posting on "good game" or "bad game", and just post to answer questions. Some trolls really ticked me off, and of course the thieves. But I'm afraid that responding will get the thread locked, while there could be other voices to be heard.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 11:19 am

Look at E&B, Freelancer...emm, that's about it regarding space games.

How about I War 2 and X2 for additional examples. Two new games (well reasonably new in IW2's case) with more difficult interfaces suited to the more simulation savvy player. I wouldn't say the whole genre is changing direction because two games (EnB and FL) are doing something different.

Anyway I agree with you post there Pyrate. However if you read GoblinToe's review/X2 marketing campaign, he deserved exactly the kind of response he recieved. A review is a review, not a Game P vs Game Y deathmatch. Review it with zero expectation and with zero bias, they are the only reviews worth reading and more to the point the only ones worth your time writing.

Ah, she's built like a steak house but she handles like a bistro. - Zapp Brannigan

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 11:24 am

It's all quite natural

I've been on forums in these kinds of situations before, as I'm sure many of you here have. I have noticed that before the game hits the shelves there is a solid online community geared up to get the most out of the game when it comes out, and to help the developers with ideas etc.

Stage 2 is where we are at now, the game has gone gold, versions (of whatever format) are out and about so you will get the "20 minuters" (see Black Adder IV for meaning) posting.

Stage 3 is where the game has been out for a little while and it's clear wether it is a success or not. This is when the hardcore are left, and the occasional new bod appears to spice things up. You usually get one 'troll' who just won't go away, but he can be ignored (why are trolls never girls ??)

Obviously stage 2 is the most contentious period, as you get a clash between the 'devout' and the 'sceptical'.

It'll all come out in the wash

<sig deleted by automatic censor>

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