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Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:16 pm


Ok for one the damn game wasnt going to be god's creation adn you know it. comapire it to past games and stuff. notice that this has been in the making for SEVERAL YEARS now and that doesnt mean it would be perfected. i know what type of game some of you all are looking for and belive me. it wont happen unit a 3 year old can build a 3 terrahrz computer outt legos and blocks.

-Nuff Said

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:18 pm

what u cant build that?

Then the sheep said...

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:24 pm

Yeah well...

Static prices. Even Elite did it better, and that's a 1984 game.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:25 pm

I tend to agree, though please spend like 10 seconds longer on your posts trying to just add a bit more content to it

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:26 pm

yeah well this isnt 1984 now is it?

-Nuff Said

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:28 pm

Well everyone is entitled to his/her opinion...I knew full well that it was not going to be everybody's game.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:48 pm

I think you guys are missing the emphasis of this's not your silly demo trade routes accross new's about 50 systems with hundreds of two are exactly the same.......tons of factions whose reputations must be balanced VERY carefully. It's about diversity of can be anyone and go anywhere....There are some VERY interesting ways to make money.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:55 pm

I think these complainers are a combination of 2 things.

1. Couldnt/didnt try to figure out the game because they didnt put enough time or thought into it.

2. Just looking for attention.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 11:06 pm

Ey Dragoro, being cool and all that?

Look -----------, I was just voicing my opinion. The only one who gets attacked here is me, for not liking the game. Yes, based on the demo, but that's all what's legally available to sample the game.

It's strange tho...people keep saying 'try the demo! It lets you see what's in the game!' and then, when someone plays it, the fanbois start 'yeah, but it's not the full version'. Come on peeps...

Now, as one of the admins pointed out the demo is indeed a small portion, and I'm full well willing to wait for further reviews of the full version, but it's certainly not a sure buy for me, based on the demo I saw (rather a nonbuy at the moment).

edited for language usage not needed

Edited by - Stinger on 23-02-2003 23:27:32

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 11:16 pm

Even though i've only played the demo, many of what he has said is kindof disheartening as i was hoping it wasn't like that in the Full..

particularly the NPC dialogue.. I personally would of rather had a large diversity of NPC dialogue that was written, rather than spoken. The missions and rumors are in text, i don't see why the rest shouldn't be too (being and RPG after all)
its kindof funny, if you revisit the same station many times.. they still ask if you are new here( and its the same NPC hehehe). And yes the Bar/Equipment/Ship is the same (for all intents and purposes) on every planet . Maybe you could answer one of my questions too..

Is all official business between you and LSF handled in the Bar?

The joystick issue doesn't bother me, but i think a lot of people have to admit having the option would have been good. The more options is always better.

The missions diversity he talks about too kindof disturbs me as those are the missions i have been taking in the demo (goto debris field and destroy all rogues)

Its too bad on the capital ships.. Even Xwing Alliance had some awesome capital ship battles (although FreeSpace has spoiled everyone on this matter)

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 11:26 pm

Just about everything is handled in the bars, even unofficial LSF business Only a few other times that things don't actually happen in the bars, and then its the equipment dealer or the flight deck

<@ElectricBrain> TACH IS DEAD! <@Tachyon> am not <@Tachyon> stfu <@ElectricBrain> no u stfu <@Tachyon> no you
<@ElectricBrain> no u <@Tachyon> no you <@ElectricBrain> no u <@Tachyon> NO YOU I WIN
-- Our very fine IRC ops --

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 11:27 pm

Since the original topic is a bit brief, I will expand on it in my point-of-view: Don't worry about others being dissapointed...this a common side effect of a new game being released, I have seen it with Morrowind, Mafia, and many other games, and will 100% expect to see it in MoO3 and some upcoming games in the next few months. Here is what happens:

1. Many of the initial vets and n00bs will come and start praising the game, noting all they love about it
2. Then LOADS of new people (whether they are people who have been following the game for months and have been too lazy to create an account, or just people who just heard the game) will create Forum accounts just to write a few messages on why they find the game dissapointing (and in this case, they are mostly pirates who get free games every day, but several demo users found it dissapointing too) due to the fact that thought that this would be Elite IV, Privateer 3, Morrowind: In space, Independence War 3, or Freespace 3...and end up doing apples-and-oranges comparisions to those games.
3. Several forum vets will either be influenced by the people of #2, or will start nitpicking at the little things (such as the bug of scanning ship transports). And will return the game for silly little stuff.
4. Then the vets and n00bs who dislike the game get tired of arguing their points. They will eventually leave, and the main Freelancer forum will be back the way it was with a mix of the n00bs and the old that love the game.
5. Patch or expansion pack will be released: Repeat

So how do you tell if a game is a flaw, or is just simply not your type of game? Look at screenshots, ask around, read the game description, then check on a lot of reviews. If a game tends to get bad scores on gaming sites, due to being buggy, horrible graphics, bad sounds, bad story, simply don't get it. It amazes me on why people will buy a bad game, then complain about it when pretty much EVERY review on the internet says it is a bad game, please do some research! and are great places to start. Also just like in RPGs where you get a mix of linear Final Fantasy games, non-linear Baldur's Gate games, open ended Morrowind games, and hack-and-slash Diablo II games. You will have different genres in space sims...know your genres.

My opinion is that if you want to try an open-ended space genre, get Freelancer...from my experiences with the demo and all, the game is a sure winner. If you already know the games in this genre and don't like it...dont buy the game, you probably will be already biased and still wont like it. If you are a vet in this genre, playing games such as Elite II, Privateer, etc...don't expect a sequal that will blow those away. As I said above, this is not Privateer 3, Elite IV, etc...

Well that's my point of view.

EDIT: "Dissapointed" is one of those in the #2 catagory. I must ask you to refrain from calling people "a-holes", fanbois, etc...This is a community atmosphere and just because somebody doesn't agree with you doesn't mean you should shout vulgeraties at them.

I pity da foo, thug, o villian that trys takin' over da world, then comes home cryin' to his mamma!
-Mr. T

Edited by - CGDreamerX on 23-02-2003 23:34:41

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 2:15 am

excellent post dreamer i agree with most of what you said i for one have been around (a fanboy) for some time and quite frankly i had high hopes for this game as far as trading and exploration go also the multiplayer aspect really appeals to me and to be honest after playing the demo i have to say WOW ,i played the demo for around 15 hours and i am just blown away by it the graphics are very nice (9700 with aa and af on 4x) and the gameplay is really good the ship options and menu system are very impressive as is the trade interface and as for the bases they are..well..just bases....people need to calm down about the repetitive npc's just press esc for crying out loud the renders are nice and the artwork is lovely (in the bases *imho* based on the demo) the ships are good and the trade lane system is a masterstroke.

i could go on and on but i am so tired after playing so much i have to sleep.....I)

now all i need is 2 copies from the states via air mail and i will be in gaming heaven.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:17 am

Quite honestly also... there must be alot of stuff that gets repeated... like having everything that every NPC could and might say converted to voice... it's just not practically possible... otherwise we'd be waiting another 2 years, or be asked to pay $300 for a copy... to cover the increase in human and material resources needed to make the game ready now... you just can't do all that... yet...

One day... we will have the power to do so, computer wise... just not right now...

As said above... we've been here so long following Freelancer, probably because we always have been THIS particular genres fans... we know what to expect, and know what to appreciate. Sure we secretly wish things were "this way" or "tahat way", but with respect to developers financial, business, and current game development practices... there is simply no point going off about it, as they have limits just like everyone else.

Research the game thoroughly... before trying the demo... then see reviews of a full version... then decide... hey, and complain if you've done all that. I'm not saying you haven't (ref: Dissapointed)... but after all that... this simply isn't needed... boo hoo, move on... etc etc...

I got things I would have liked, more random missions, less frequent random battles, etc... but hey... I'd rather help the developers with constructive criticism than outright slander.


"Only one human has ever survived an attack against a Mimbari Cruiser... he is behind me... you are in front of me... if you value your lives... be somewhere else!"

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