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I played it (not the Demo - the real thing), and I see a hug

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:37 am

Just gotta throw in my two cents on this, because this particular statement gets me pretty angry.

"****ing warez loozers. Buy the Goddamn game and then enjoy a LEGAL copy without all the bugs. And yes warez copies are ripped games with alot of bugs and everybody knows it. If you think they don't then you are fooling yourself."

I, for one, have Freelancer pre-ordered. However, since it doesn't get sent out until the 4th, being able to enjoy the game now is a good thing. I'm in no way hurting the industry, or the programmers who made the game.

Also, they are exactly the same as games you buy in retail. Especially ISOs, they are the game CDs.

Anyway, back on subject. I think Freelancer's multiplay is the main selling point for space-simmers. That's where you'll find most of us.
The single play also looks to be shaping up, and that is what will attract most casual gamers. Still, they did a DAMN good job on it.
If your server goes down, oh well, start over and try a different career.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:57 am

TRL - Gold server will be persistent. Elite and E2 will be persistent. I am against people "acquiring" this game, but they do serve a purpose. In the bigger scheme of things, all good games have that following.

Transfering characters from one server to the next seems like a grand idea, but this is near impossible due to the way the software "marry's up" the client to the server to create a unique ID. Besides, it really doesn't take that long to gain a decent character on a new server if you just figure out how to do it.

Play on everyone, and for pete's sakes...have some fun with this game. !!

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 7:41 am

I don't think keeping the saves on the server side will stop cheating. If you can Alt-Tab, you can cheat.

Stormtrooper Tactics 101: Okay class, repeat after me. "There he is! Blast em!" Very good.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 7:50 am

Stinger, I must say I am dissapointed. VERY. Kind of like saying that a little stealing is bad but it serves a purpose. Well then, why don't I just wait for the ISO to show up on Kazaa instead of buying the game. Why don't you just tell everybody to wait? Why not? Hey everybody, wait for the ISO on Kazaa. Don't bother buying it. You can enjoy the game without purchasing it and be a part of LR community without feeling bad. What a crock of ****e.

I came. I saw. I conquered. And sometimes get conquered.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 7:52 am

I think his intent was if it causes people who wouldn't buy the game anyway to increase the FL community, then it's not that bad.

Stormtrooper Tactics 101: Okay class, repeat after me. "There he is! Blast em!" Very good.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 2:19 pm

It is still bad SirCarcass . And should never be accepted as a good thing. If I was hosting a server and found out a player had got hold of a illegal copy of a game..they would be kicked off , banded, etc.


I think you are wrong that most of the players buying Freelancer are only interested in the multiplayer part. It would be interested in seeing some figures on this matter. While I do have a life outside of computer games...I do not consider myself a casual gamer. And I have no interest in the multiplayer part of Freelancer.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 2:43 pm

What some of you don't realise:
For Asherons Call and Ultima online you have to pay a MONTHLY FEE. that enables Microsoft or Vivendi to run servers themselves.
Freelancer DOES NOT have a monthly fee, the multiplayer is FREE, thus MS doesn't get the money it'd required to run a server. There are lots of servers out there run by companies or websites, like the TLR server, that will be online "indefinitely".

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:56 pm

Games like Tribes 2 and Battlefield 1942 were mainly online only and didn't require a monthly fee but had "official" servers run by the producer, Sierra and EA respectively.

Stormtrooper Tactics 101: Okay class, repeat after me. "There he is! Blast em!" Very good.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 7:24 pm

The issue here is NOT the warez community, or illegal copies of the game. The issue here is that if someone puts hundreds of hours into a character in the game on a server, and something happens to that server, all that time is lost. You tell him to find a server that he knows will stay on, but how do you do that? What happens if someone breaks in and steals TLR's server? Or the building where it's being stored catches fire? All that time spent playing is lost forever.

It seems like DA/MS picked a multiplayer mode that combines the worst of the different types of server. You can't back up your character locally; you can only hope that the server admin chooses to back up on his end. And if most dedicated servers have other tasks to perform, Freelancer backups aren't going to be a high priority. If you spend hours playing and get that killer ship, you're not really going to want to start over when the server dies, especially when you realize that it could easily happen again.

I'm not as worried as some about this problem, because my (gamer-friendly) company has a server hosted at our ISP's office on an OC3? (whatever's right past a T3, I forget now) connection, and I've already got permission to set up a dedicated server running Freelancer (right next to the Counter-Strike server , and the entire hard drive is backed up nightly. I will spend most of my multiplayer time on that server, along with whoever decides to join in But it sucks that there is no way to transfer characters in case something does go wrong with the server. DA/MS could have come up with something.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 8:28 pm

Realy doesnt take that long to get the best ship and weapons in the game. The only thing that realy is being built up after you got the best hardware is money and the info in your nueral net. I have characters on 3 servers, 2 with titans 1 with a saber. Once you have one of these 2 ships money is the easiest thing in the game to get.

I will also add that it was more funs starting a new character and getting to that point then playing on from there. Especialy since i tried going different paths each time.

While it wont completely stop all of the cheaters, it will stop many of them. Furthermore I honestly wouldnt feel safe connecting to a server ran by microsoft. They have been caught to many times spying on our computers without our permission for me to trust them.

While some think the warez community is not hurting anyone. It actualy is hurting us all. You see they are making companies make less profits. Less profits means less great games coming out. Less great games means more buggy garbage games coming out. This all adds up to me not having the fun i want to have.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 11:48 pm

What happens if someone breaks in and steals TLR's server?

Hehe, I pity da foo!

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:14 am

What some of you don't realise:
For Asherons Call and Ultima online you have to pay a MONTHLY FEE. that enables Microsoft or Vivendi to run servers themselves.
Freelancer DOES NOT have a monthly fee, the multiplayer is FREE, thus MS doesn't get the money it'd required to run a server. There are lots of servers out there run by companies or websites, like the TLR server, that will be online "indefinitely".

*cough* *cough*
Would be for charakter saving the perfekt solution.
Add a small funktion, to add persistent server slots, and you would be done.

But ms prefered to use a quake interace for mp server search

and btw a style system would kinda make the warzes problem irrelevant.
Just look how many ppl buy blizzard games, cause they like the bnet experirience.
The double cd-key protection (client and server side cd-key check, client protect the game from the causal warzs friends, while the server check make sure that blizzard does not waste its money for hosting a service for not paying customers) does aswell wonders

Supporter and Founder of the :p for smilies Campange

We want :p

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 2:23 am

Aaahhh, I shouldn't have written that I've played the game on a "not yet purchased" copy. So if you all please ignore the fact that I've sinned and pretend I've bought the game, we can all stay on topic. (Let's just say that I'm the kind of person that like to know what I get before I buy it and leave it at that. And yes, I probably own more originals than most of you. And NO I won't get into a discussion about that, please! :-) )

Some of the people here, who also seem to have played the multiplayer part of the game (shame on you! ;-) ) are correct when they say that it goes pretty fast to advance in the game. I've noticed that too. So maybe losing your character maybe isn't that big a deal. But since I've only played the game for two days, it makes me wonder about the longevity part of the multiplayer side of the game. If you can reach the godlike state (a.k.a. "elite" ! ;-) too fast, you might loose interest too soon. I haven't read much about Freelancer, so maybe someone else has some info on this?

Edited by - Wolverine on 24-02-2003 02:24:27

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