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Question about graphics

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Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 2:50 am

Question about graphics

I just started playing EnB. I find its an ok game but nothing spectacular. Now that ive started playing it, i got a question about Freelancer's graphics. Ive seen alot of the screen shots, but at least for me, i can never really tell how good the graphics are by screen shots. The question i have is this. Are the graphics cartoonish like they are in EnB or are they alot more realistic? I mean I sure am hoping that they are much much better.

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 3:03 am

The graphics in E&B struck me as a lot more cartoonish than the FL. The graphics in FL aren't the bestest evar but I don't think they qualify for cartoonish. They convey the universe accurately IMO.

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 3:25 am

thank you Tachyon, that is very good to hear. Appreciate the quick response : )

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 3:36 am

Yep, he's quick, the Tachylon. Speed might be the only of his qualities .


Would you care to follow me... --DEATH

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 9:33 pm


I'm playing the marketing beta and I think the graphics are amazing, and keep in mind I have and play a lot of graphically impressive games like Unreal 2. It may not use all of the fanciest graphical tricks, but the artwork and just the whole feel of the game are so good that I guess it "fools" you into thinking it's using next generation graphical effects.

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