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Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 11:30 pm


Hail All,

I thought it may be fun, and a great way to waste time, to start a brainstorming session on some possible "Tournament" ideas for FL MP playing.

Some ways I thought of...

1. Battle Royale
Pilots are given "x" amount of time to prepare(make money and get armed to the teeth), and then it is a "Last Man Standing" type of game with the winner earning a prize.

2. Trader Raider
Pilots are given "x" amount of time and when the time expires the one with the highest fiscal value wins a prize...this could be done with battle between players allowed, and also with battle between players disallowed.

3. Clan War
Like "Battle Royale" except it is done with teams/clans, and the last team/clan with any members left wins a prize.

4. Bounty Hunter
One player is the "Contract", and is given "x" amount of time to hide...a head start.
All other players hunt the "Contract" down, and the one which first make space dust out of them is the winner and gets the prize.

Anyway, I think you get the idea.

Would anyone else be interested in such "Tournaments"?

Anyone else have any plans, or ideas, about any such things?

May the stars guide ye,

Pyrate Dredd


And this too shall pass.


Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 11:36 pm

Hehe, I like the way you think. I'm in on ALL contests!!

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 11:54 pm

Yah, I cant wait to try the Bounty Hunter idea. MWHAHAHA! That would kick ass so much....unless if the person hides in some nebula and flies straight down so no one will ever find is space after all. There's got to be some restrictions.

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 12:04 am


Isn't there that "Ion Trail" system (I know it's not called that in the game, but I just like the sound of it, hehe) that tracks recent ship passings in the game?
Does that also track other players passings?

I think the "prey" should be able to go anywhere they want.
The harder they are to find the longer, and more fun, the hunt would be...for me at least.


And this too shall pass.


Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 12:33 am

Good ideas, but am mostly lookig forward to the bounty hunter one.

"I am the Midnight Bomber what bombs at midnight."

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 12:52 am

I am for the tournaments. Too bad I am on 56k. *crys*


Would you care to follow me... --DEATH

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:05 am

I'm planing on getting a 1mb connection come april, hopefully i'll be ready for fl by the time it comes out here.

I suppose u could have pirate tornament. who ever can ammas the most wealth within a certain time from piracy.

cant think of anything better, u came up with all the good ideas.

The beast said "Be you angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men!" - Tenacious Deed -

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 2:57 am

I must say that you present some excellent ideas. I have a few questions though, is there a time limit to teh bounty hunt, and if so what happens when it's over? Also, let's say that the "contract" successfully manages to hide and not get caugfht, would that be a way for him to win the game b/c nobody can catch him?

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:47 pm

well everything is still at the concept stage at this point. actual rules will have to be figured out after we all get a feel for the game.
more ideas were expressed HERE

...Just a random thought from a random mind

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:20 pm

Not to mention the "Cargo Run". Team A must get goods to a pre-selected planet while team B must stop em geting through.

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:46 pm

I like that one too Gauntlet.

Then there is also:
"Base Wars"
Opposing teams each "claim" a sector of space and drop a specific cargo there.
Both teams must defend their own "base" while also trying to attack the other teams bases, grab the cargo, and make it make to their own base(You can only pick up your own cargo if taking it from an oopoent and returning it to your "base"...sort of like "capture the flag".


And this too shall pass.


Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:59 pm

Sign me up for all!!!

"We're almost there." - Jorg

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 5:30 pm

Good ideas! Your NN doesn't track ion trails, just movements of patrol ships.

Edited by - Tachyon on 05-02-2003 17:30:15

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