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FL Multiplayer Features missing?

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Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 6:49 pm

FL Multiplayer Features missing?

From the ActiveGaming Review
"Since it was first announced a number of features have been dropped, mostly on the multiplayer side,"

I was going to buy FL primarily from the MP standpoint, being the only place to allow total freeform flying, reminicent of XTension, from X-BTF.
Now that I see this, I am beginning to wonder. I would not buy FL for singleplayer, I have many other space-sims to choose from. But having a really good persistent multiplayer universe is what I really am looking for.

I'll wait and see, maybe FL will be in the bargain rack in a couple of months. I would buy it then, if they really have cut alot of multiplayer features. I mean HEY, its MY money.

Other upcoming games that allow more freeform play. I play both XTension and Battlecruiser Millenium. I LOVE these games, so the next ones are going to be great. BCM-Gold will have MP also.
X2 - The Threat
Battlecruiser Generations

One more thing about FL, if they think they will attract more arcade casual gamers to their game with the mouse/keyboard, boy, are they in for a big suprise. Arcade space-sim players play PC games 'becuase' they have joystick support. The keyboard/mouse combo may attract non-space-sim people who don't like joysticks, like RTS game players.

Good luck FL, sound like you will need it.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 7:14 pm


When you quote a small part of a sentence, that's called taking it out of context. Not really welcomed in any medium, in fact, some people have been sued over just such a situation. Here's the entire paragraph you extracted such a small portion from to make your weak point:

It seems like it has been an age waiting for Freelancer to be released, it was first announced a few years ago when Chris Roberts of Wing Commander fame was still involved, but now It has been left to his brother to complete the epic game. Since it was first announced a number of features have been dropped, mostly on the multiplayer side , but that doesn't mean there is no longer a large scale multiplayer part to the game now as the one we are left with looks like it will be pretty good, the only problem for me in this preview is that there were NO multiplayer worlds being run with this press preview release during the times I checked.

Notice I bolded the very small part of the sentence you found to base your rendition on. Then look at the rest of the paragraph and tell me it doesn't totally discount the VERY point you're trying to make. Jeez man!

If I tried I could easily do the same thing with your beloved X2 The Threat or Battlecruiser Generations but alas, I'd simply know better than to try and pull that one off. Be sure we're comparing apples to apples and such. Your entitled to your opnions here, but when you come into a FL forum "quoting" artciles to make your point be darn sure you're not embellishing the true story or expect the truth to be revealed like I just did.

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator/Comp Tech Lancers Reactor
Creator Privateer FAQ Competition doesn't create character, it REVEALS it!

Edited by - Stinger on 04-02-2003 19:28:32

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 7:14 pm

Except for the massively multiplayer part (thousands of people on one server) I have no idea what the hell he's talking about. Bad fact checking, I guess. The truth is, FL multiplayer is basically like a little version of FLO. You get a bunch of different persistant state universes to choose from, and while they won't be able to hold more than 20-30 people for now, it's excellent for grouping up with friends or striking out on your own.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 7:18 pm

The sensor police have struck again.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 7:23 pm

StarRider, if you want to "play" with me, then feel free to do so off the forum. I've got an email address like everyone else. Sensor police, heheyea, right.

Has your post been deleted or editted? No, it stands on it own as a pure embellishment of the article. Enough said for now.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 8:31 pm

I saw that same multiplayer quote and wondered myself. Have there been some multiplayer aspects dropped over the years? Was it originally supposed to be more of a MMORPG? I actually prefer the smaller servers myself. Anything else get changed or dropped PRBTs? Thanks.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 9:23 pm

The original concept for FL was quite staggering...they wanted all the features they have right now plus dozens more, one of the options considered upon the concept was a massive online option. It was dropped shortly thereafter but people still think FL was supposed to be a MMORPG when in fact it was never designed as such. As for the comment about sensor (I think you actually meant censure ) police? That's complete foolishness, Stinger was countering your ranting with truth. Anyone one would have done it, Stinger happens to be a mod, that doesn't make him "censure police." Your post remained as you left it, there's no censuring in your post, so don't toss accusations. If you have a disagreement with this then you should do as Stinger suggested and email him.

Note: This applies to anyone, we all have email addresses listed, don't turn it into a giant public debate. Email the person if it aggravates you that much.

"We're almost there." - Jorg

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 9:25 pm

Acting like a 12 year old knuckle-dragger does little for the advancement of your game.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 9:29 pm

Of course FL has gone from being the fully multiplayer persistent universe game that was originally projected to around 16 players in co-op mode...
I guess Chris Roberts had the same dreams every Elite/Privateer player had since childhood and DA was then confonted with financial and technical problems (lost Chris Roberts etc.) and had to cut back on the dreams.

I do consider FL a big step forward in the right direction though. If it will be a success (I expect it to be one ) FL2 will get us another step closer to that dream.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 9:29 pm

Isn't it censor anyway MS? hehe

I think the guys in the article is thinking FL was supposed to be FLO, which it never really was. The only thing I see missing is the dynamic economy/prices system that was supposed to be in it. For the sake of the devs' sanity, tho, it was taken out, and I don't really mind that much

* DEATHATTHEDOOR was kicked by Juni (Turn caps lock OFF!)

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 9:42 pm

Every game undergoes revisions and cutbacks on features to just ever getting to the stage of beeing doable and publishable.

The only fault DA did make was to me a tad to "open" about what they've planned, so when they had to revise it, as every gamedeveloper do (including Elite IV, EgoSoft and Derek Smart and I don't have to give examples), they cut planned features.

Of course I would have loved Freelancer to be more that it is, but on the other hand I don't feel like waiting forever for the game or seeing it scrapped by the publisher because they run out of money.

On censoring (and don't go down on peoples spelling, else I have to force every native english-speaking person to in the future only write in "Denmarkian"!) Stinger is exactly right, and the initial topic did mis-quote the source in an unforgivable manner. And trust Stinger to pin his point down - true to his nick!

We can all focus on all the negative stuff, and try to diss each others favorite games. And what will it gain us in the end? Absolutly NOTHING! No more space sims... just look at sales numbers... So all of us... Let's be supportive of the genre, and teach the rest of the gaming world that space sims are FUN, GOOD and all the games have their own merits!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 10:25 pm

Face it folkes, the truth of the matter is FL should of come out 2 years ago, September 9th, 2001 to be exact. It now is going to be April 2003. Freelancer, time has passed you by, you waited too long. I mean, it was playable at E3 in 1999. They should of been beta testing starting in late 2000. Freelancer will be the Dickatana of the space sim genre. Good riddins Freelancer, Goodbye.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 10:36 pm

StarRider: about every single review I've read thus far has ensured us ALL that this is not going to turn out as another diakatana(sp?). Stop making baseless assumptions, you're just making yourself look stupid (i'm sorry, some one had to say it). Have you yet played the game? Were you in anyway involved in it's developement? No. Yet you come here and claim you know it all.

My advise: stfu and sit down, It's clear you're not going to buy the game, so why bother to rile us up?

Sorry if this was harsh in any way. But YOU need to face the truth.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 10:44 pm

OK, it's official, StarRider is a troll, and quite a rude and obnoxious one at that. Soon those other 2 posts will be deleted, but it should be made known to all.

* DEATHATTHEDOOR was kicked by Juni (Turn caps lock OFF!)

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 10:49 pm


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