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Economic system

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Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:06 pm

Economic system

I remember when I first started looking up FL info one of the big things was that the game would have a kind of random "living" system. For example if you decide to take a huge number of bounty jobs against pirates in a certain area then eventually there would be much less prates around and therefor making it a more active trade route. Or if you trade a lot in a certain area and it become popular and other NPC's start trading there too then it will attrach pirates to the area. And of course what you trade affects the price of that item and so forth.

Also, if you decide to play a mainly merchant pilot then will you have the option that if your favorite trade route gets over run by pirates and you get the polices help or but out several bounties to clean the area up? Or will it be possible to hire escorts to certain areas, even temporary escorts? Thanks.

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:04 pm

I'd suspect your first paragraph is dead on. The more activity in a given area is surely to attract attention from the AI and ensueing pirates. So you kill off some pirates, make the trading safe again, rinse, repeat.

The first part of the seond paragraph is sort of scetchy at this point. There is an indication police will help from time to time, but not by your direction. The second part can be answered here in our FAQ section on wingmen Feel free to look around there, some questions you have may already be answered. Welcome to the family

Edited by - Stinger on 03-02-2003 23:05:03

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:18 pm

I thought that Gib said that trade prices were no longer dynamic and stayed the same no matter how much you flooded a planet with a particular commodity???

But then again I may have mistaken what he said. Any PR player want to field this one???

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:27 pm

I also remember reading in the forum that commodity prices stay the same at their respective planets/stations throughout the game. Oh well, I was never much for trading anyway. ( :


Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:32 pm

Are U sure..
I was pretty certain that the mechantside was dynamic, and surply and demand was present...

-------> When playing is taken seriously...

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:56 pm

it would be cool if you could call the "cops" i hope that is put in there again

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:24 am

I do remember myself hearing that if you stopped traders from approching a planet with a certain type of commodity then the price for that commodity would increase. But then I also remember hearing that prices are now static and will not change.

I'm hoping for the first situation there. Would make the universe seem a lot more alive.
I thought that having a "living" universe was one of the main features of this game? Well having the prices fixed is detracting from that.

Anyway, still going to be a great game to play.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 1:49 am

don't forget guys.. they have been playing a beta build.
while some people like to think that this is close to what the final code is going to be, i have hope that DA has kept a few aces up their sleeve to surprise us when it gets released.
such as.. cockpit struts... more diversity in random missions.... and a dynamic commodity market

...Just a random thought from a random mind

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 2:12 am

Guys, we've been working hard to get you all as much information on the game as possible. While we praise DA for shipping such a stable "beta" you have to remember it is indeed a beta, and things will change. Remember, things could easily change from the time of the build we received, until they go gold.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:44 am

as long as missions are diverse, and you can change the ACTIVITY level on certain trade routes im ok. but a dynamic economy would be spectacular.
Phoenix out
PS: don't get us wrong tach, we all appreciate what your doin for us . ty for the info sofar m8

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