Tue Jan 28, 2003 5:40 pm by Tachyon
Tagos, when you make a huge post that constantly insults us, calls us liars, and puts us down, frankly you get what you deserve.
Example 1: "To pretend that it's somehow "unnecessary" and that a 3d cockpit is unnecessary just makes you (as in the board regulars) seem overly defensive."
Nobody is pretending anything. Everybody (and I'm not exaggerating, 100%) who has played the game feels the same way.
Example 2: "Just admit to yourselves that it's no longer a space sim in any meaningful sense. A design decision was taken to dumb it down for a mass market and make it a diabloesque rpg-lite with a ship as your alter-ego, with some twitchy arcade style combat thrown in."
Here you've insulted 100% of the people who have played it and also prejudge the combat to be "twitchy arcade style". Otherwise known as prejudiced.
Example 3: "So long as people are expecting an Elite experience they are going to be disappointed at all the missing features and trying to convince us that radars and 3d cockpits controlled by a pov joystick hat don't matter is simply not going to fly."
Ok, so you don't have a 3D cockpit (which probably isn't even finalized) and you can't look left or right. BIG DEAL. You get so much more with FL. Hundreds of places to explore. Thousands of trade routes to exploit. Dozens of factions to stab in the back. Something so cosmetic just doesn't compare to the gameplay it has to offer.
Example 4: "And making laughable claims about how radars and cockpits aren't useful features just accentuates the feeling that there is something to hide about FL and this site is nothing more than a marketing arm of Microsoft rather than a place to get real information on what FL is, strengths and weaknesses etc."
More put downs.
Example 5: "As an aside - you are not welcoming new members by insisting old topics aren't discussed. That's an absolute classic way to say, "F Off newbs we've been here for years and you do it our way or walk." New members want to discuss things themselves, even if they've been discussed before. The draconian management of the board does not encourage the development of a broader community that then spreads good word of mouth."
Because 90% of the time the "old topic" is just complaining about the lack of joystick support. It was locked previously because it degenerated into flaming, much like this thread has. They are locked now because it is irrelevant anyway, oh except for that joystick thread which is still open.
Example 6: "endless thread-closing does not do any marketing favours and certainly does not foster any sense of community. It comes across as yet another game forum dominated by a hard-core clique unwilling or unable to let the forum grow and change organically as membership changes."
Endless thread-closing? Just because the admins are excersing their legal and moral right to close threads which they deem inappropriate, which frankly doesn't even happen that often? Please, stop with the put downs. Oh, I agree there is a clique on TLR, if you include everybody who posts here... New people join all the time, and some stay, and that's totally fine with me. Even a few people who were (and some still are) doubtful about FL as you are stayed. Some have been swayed by our arguments, some have not. But they still post. Why is that?
Example 7: "Anyway, my many pennies worth, offered in a spirit of friendly observation as I still hope FL is going to be an enjoyable game that will spark a big community of fans I can be a part of."
And the reversal. Suddenly, you're playing all friendly after insult after insult. And to top that, you suddenly want to be a part of the "clique"!
Sorry, I've been ranting, time to get back on topic...