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Who has ever wanted to get the best ship before the end of t

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Post Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:10 am

Who has ever wanted to get the best ship before the end of t

Have you ever got to a certain point in the game and sid to yourself "Man i wish i could get the sabre right now" or the tittan or what ever your favourite ship is?

Isn't it really annoying when you have the weaponary and the sheilding just not the ship.

Isn't that lvl thing really nessasary or is just so people cant do what the want in the game? to me its just bloody annoying... lol

Post Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:31 am

I did... and at that time I knew how to edit the save file

Post Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:56 am

Would be much of a game if Juni gave you an Eagle or a Sabre to start out in.

Now to make it more challenging, Trent should have to work as a freelancer flying for someone else until he had made enough money to buy his own ship!

Post Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:30 am

Funny thing, that... I actually don't think I have. Class 6 is a fine upper limit for the game at that point, just enough power to do some damage without taking all the challenge out of it. There's also something to be said for the rush of playing through with a Dagger, or a Patriot, or a Starflier...

Nope, don't need the uberships.

Post Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:41 am

I agree that Trent should have had to work to buy his own ship.I mean really,how many people do you know who are given fully funtional cars for free?And then get paid?If you know people who do that,tell them to get in touch with me.I could use a new ride.And playing the game with a low level ship is way more fun than having your super ship from the begining.Actually,I have played mods like that,and find it boring frankly.

Edited by - scannerdarkly on 9/27/2006 1:42:44 AM

Post Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:29 am

my dad gets a work car if he;s away on business so its feaseable. also compare it to some disasters. i don't doubt someone donated the starflier to a charity before trent got it.

Post Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:38 pm

Im waiting for my freelancer game to get in the mail,
so there's a single player level?

omg,xp194,your here?

Post Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:45 am

yo illegal! yah,freelancer has a large campaign. best thing is, you can keep going after its finished, to find all the secrets and stuff. also, when your game arrives, grab the latest discovery mod and join up on the 24/7 discovery server. i'm in a clan :-).

Post Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:59 am

To make the game more challenging, there are levels you have to reach before you can buy more powerful ships, shields and guns. It's actually a lot more fun this way. You should love the game, since it has a good mystery story line, good graphics, an unbelievably huge (for a game) universe and lots of secret goodies (wrecks where you can recover guns and cargo, jump holes that take you into new systems, hidden bases to trade or fly missions from, asteroid fields you can mine). And once the story line is over, the game can go on as long as you want it to!

Don't rush through it. Take your time and get the most out of it. Juni, whom you'll meet right away, will ask you to rush off to fly missions for her. But you don't have to hurry. She'll wait whilst you explore and just generally have fun.

Great game!

Post Tue Feb 13, 2007 2:56 pm

tho make the game impossible, don't even give trent a ship at all. just eject him into cruel cold space

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