Favorite Trade Routes and Ideas!
Okay, heres the deal, one of the nicest trade routes that is a good starting Dromedary route Is the Cortez Gun Run. It is best on servers where the NY-Magellan Jump gate is active, like my favorite server, Jolt UK!!! Lets say ur starting out on and you need some cash. Simple! get to ur nearest Manhatten Commodity Dealer and buy Consumer Goods. Then take them to Detroit Munitions. I know its not much, but better than nothing, and being in the KoF trader and hunter clan, espically Trader, you learn that a little more cash is better than none. So after you get to Detroit, pick up those Light arms! Then take quickest Route To Montezuma Base in Cortez System, E6, and it sells for somewhere over 100k Pretty simple run for only going to A BorderWorld. Anyway, ill post some more routes later. Jump right in!
When all else fails, tell them you want world peace.