Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:16 am by Benrig
Beshqek contains a jump hole left and beneath the twin suns (on your navmap), which would be sector 3C I believe (?) It is near the holonet relay. If you cant find it go straight up and down a bit from the relay as not all objects in freeworlds are on a flat plane. This jump hole leads to an Imperial Checkpoint system. After entering this hole go straight 'west' on your navmap and you will come to the 'Deep Space' jumphole. You will have to fly by a bunch of star destroyers to do this. In Deep Space, in the very center of your map and a little to the west, is the Death Star. Its kinda hard to see since its in the middle of a nebula. Good luck dodging all the star destroyers!
Btw, I suggest you download the Freelancer Explorer editing utility, located somewhere in the download section at this site. It shows you all jump holes and bases in the universe (including freeworlds if enabled). Of course thats cheating but then if you cared about that you wouldn't be here in the first place = ).