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Some questions anda few answers...

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Post Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:47 am

Some questions anda few answers...

Well... I have a few questions to ask but since i think that an hand washes another, so i can give a few answers to a couple of questions i have seen pooping around now and then...

People ask about how to get bribes for the Corsairs and Outcast so they can buy the heavy fighters class. The bartender in Islay Base (Gains) in Edinburg has offered me bribes for both the corsairs and outcats and also for the gaian faction :-)...

I was also able to buy the bribe for the Zoners at Planet Kurile in Sigma-17.

Dont know if it helps but ....

Anyway what is the problem with the Sabre Ship? I have seen people discussing about the Titan and Eagle ships being the best ships but i am very happy with my sabre armed with 2x Nomad Blasters, 2x Nomad Cannons, 2x Sun***** (Level 9) can remeber the name... So happy i am about to retire the caracther :-) The Nomads give me no sport anymore !

Does the Titan or Eagle have any special advantage over the Sabre?

Post Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:05 am

Each of the VHFs has its own advantage:

The Eagle is the most manueverable one.
The Sabre has the most firepower thanks to the forward-facing turret.
The Titan has the highest defense.

Most people(at least online) go for the Eagle since there's no threat from a slightly more powerful enemy if he can't even get a bead on you. I like the Sabre mostly for cosmetic reasons.

Post Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:40 am

I prefer the titan even tho i have cheats on(not telling you them) because it can mount more lvl 10 weapons. It is quite a sluggish ship although. Sometimes my titan when i do not have cheats on can get destroyed by sabre ships. I would choose a titan tho because if dislike liberty, liberty weapons do nearly nothing to your hull and shields(if you have a strong one not a weak one or even no shield.).

Post Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:27 pm

All 3 class 10 ships have the exact same number of class 9 and class 10 mounts (2 and 4, respectively), and all three have a single turret. The differences between the "big three" lie in armor strength, maneuverability, target profile (physical size), and the location of the turret mount.

The big three are also incredibly boring to fly, especially if outfitted with Nomad weaponry. There's just no challenge in it when you can waste anything and everything in two seconds flat. Go fart around in a light fighter for a while.

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