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Looking for something

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:50 am

Looking for something


I am looking for a mod and a server that adds to the universe. Be able to buy and pilot every ship in the game, add a few encounters, maybe a station, sector, planet,new trades or two. Nothing too big, just open up the universe.

I would really like to pilot one of those smaller capitol ships that appear in the first missions, like the one in the prison break I think or one of those long traders with alot of cargo space.

If the server has alot of players I guess I could do with the mod if it overhauls a bit.

Would any of you recommend a mod like this and its server?

I remember one mod that wanted to open every ship in the game and give them decent flight phisics. What was the name of that one?

Post Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:51 am

If there arent any servers I would play it alone if it works combined with the single player campaign.

Post Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:30 am

There are tons of mods available that fit that description. Try Evolutions 1.30 or just look around the downloads area. You will also need Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM) and getting the FLSDK would also be a good idea.

And welcome to TLR.


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