Hispania: Revolutions BETA v1.101 by Kryosphere Studios
File size : 5.54 MB
Category: Addons
Date: 1/6/2005 7:56:20 PM
Creator: cardamine
Description: Hispania: Revolutions BETA v1.101 by Kryosphere Studios
The Hispania Revolutions MOD acts as if the Hispania got to Sirius without being crippled on the outskirts.
Featuring 8 new Hispania systems:
New Madrid
There are also other new systems:
Tau-43 (new edge-world system connecting Bohemia with Kyushu)
Derby (new Bretonian system, and where I live)
Bohemia (new independent-world system between Derby and Hispania)
Quadstar (new independent-world system between Derby and Hispania)
Two new factions:
Hispania Police
ETA - Hispania criminal faction (if this is too politically sensitive I don't mind changing it)
Two re-worked factions:
ETA - Alpha League (Outcasts with a different name)
ETA - Beta League (Corsairs with a different name)
No new commodities or equipment, but the new systems are packed with new stuff, including rotating planets, recycling stations, asteroid fields, and haulage bases. The space is somewhat desolate, but this is due to my lack of loadouts knowledge to change what ships two unused factions use. Any help would be great...
Microsoft: Publishers of this fantastic game, and also authors of the operating system I made this mod on.
Digital Anvil: Credit should be given for such an amazing game.
cardam/ne: virtually everything.
Xerxes: the OpenSP MOD v1.1.
This MOD includes a different EXE file version (set at 1.101) to prevent users without this MOD accessing a server, so if you have a firewall active, you will need to give permission for Freelancer to access the Internet, or FlServer if you're thinking of running a server.
Esto es inaceptable, es una verguenza para este foro, para la web Lancers Reactor, en nombre de la HAF pido que sea retirado de la web, que sea enviado un mail a los estudios Kryosphere Studios y que posteen una disculpa publica, despues de todos los esfuerzos que realiza españa en la lucha contra el terrorismo, estos señores que no tiene en la vista mas que las ganas de sacar mas y mas dinero, nos vienen haciendole propanganda a una banda de terroristas asesinos, es incincebible que en este siglo, despues de todo lo pasado en los ultimos 4 años, todabia tengamos que ver cosas como estas, sencillamente indignante!!!
Panzer Argentina