Hello all.
Well Version 7 turned out to have a bug in the narn fighter AI loadout that some pirates and the bounty hunters used. Which caused lots of crashes in the tougher systems such as the border worlds and anything outside liberty, easy systems where uneffected as this bug only happens when you meet lvl9 or over AI pilots who fly the higher level narn ships. All because of 1 file. Anyway there is a update out, V7.1 that fixes that and a few other bugs.
It also features the Ringworld system i created for other mod makers to use. The HU version is a private version, right now its similar to the public version but will change a lot over time as i add new features to it.
Check out the screenshots of the new system.
Ringworld Screenshots
Clicking on the home link on the left will take you to a page where you can download Hostile Universe V7.1
Snub fighter noob ship:
100,000 for the noob ship. Thats not right. Check out my ini that gives the real price.
nickname = rssnub_hull
category = shiphull
ship = rs_snub
price = 20000
ids_name = 12015
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\cv_heavy.3db
As you can see, it says 20,000 so something must be wrong with your install mate. Check farscape in newmars for the fighter, or sledgehammers. I forget which. Let me know what happens.
BTw if you guys have any questions about HU, info youd like to know up front before playing it or just some tips email me at
[email protected] because im thinking of making a full players guide for it to include such things. Knowing what you really want to know would help me make a better guide.
Anyway, enjoy the mod. Its growing with every release and it does have a plot of its own too
eg ..Who are those mysterious Aliens that nomads beat up... join in next week folks for the next thrilling episode of "Oy get off my beer".