Thu Jun 05, 2003 7:18 am by Skacore
Alright, while going around playing on several servers, I've heard people talk about how they wish someone would host tournaments. Well, I decided to take up that responsability, and will be funding the whole tournament. I will supply more details as they come alone, but the tournmanet will probably be held in a month or so, with prizes and alot of fun. I will supply servers, prizes, website, and everything else that this need to be successfull. If interests you please reply back to this and let me know. Because, of course in a situation like this, without the support of the community it will be nothing.
The tournament will include two 2 leagues(subject to change) Duel and Clan War. Hopefully this will appeal to those who like the teamwork and those who like to just like that one on one action.
Edited by - Skacore on 05-06-2003 08:23:10