Shouldnt space be 3 dimensional??
Every Planet, Station, Mission, Ship and any important or relevent object in the game is on a 2 dimesional plane. When approaching a misson waypoint you never have to look up or down, its always in front of you, then if you spin round you realise that evrything is on a dead flat plane. Granted you can fly up and down but there realy is no real need as everything is almost as if it is on the ground. The whole issue of preportions of ships and planets etc was annoying to me at first but that got over-shadowed when i reaised i might as well be driving on the ground as flying in space. I want to be able to fly up and down to find missions not have them handed out directly in front of me all the time.
Before i realised this i was realy enjoying the game, i just hope with freelancer 2 they can make use of the third dimension and make the universe truly large as opposed to this universe which is rather flat