Post Sat Apr 26, 2003 6:40 pm

[CLAN Server , with nice mods!

After a few weeks of testing different mods , i can now saftly post that we are running very good , and almost 24/7 !

Nice things we have added to the server , and many players find it fun to play!
Be sure to join our channel on irc (see details below) to keep up with cool upgrades!
Next few upgrades will be brand new ships etc etc , also when ya have ideas / comments we like to hear about it!

Changes so far from version 1.0 till 3.2 :
Version 3.2

ai ships have shields equivalent to player shields

New sector in space - The Abyss

New station added to the abyss - imperial outpost - Tie fighter, Tie Interceptor & Tie Defender available

Ship info cards added for the tie fighters

New ship The Shadow added with info card

Players start neutral to most factions, noteable exceptions - Xenos (positive) bounty hunters (negative)

Starting $ boosted to 12k

Market commodities now require you to be friendly with the faction u are buying from

Level system changed so it now harder to reach level 40

Nomads hull increased - apparently they were too easy......

Some xeno's in tie-fighters also now in interceptors and defenders

Engines and Thrusters modified = ship speeds changed =)

Tie fighter and interceptor shields removed & speeds boosted tis with adv thruster under thust = speed 286

Tie defender gun options changed, shield & speed tweaked

Armour upgrades added, buyable at imperial outpost
Asteroid free zones around hells fortress and the imperial out post

Armour upgrades added to most if not all battleship bases

Trade good can now be purchased at new york without the need of a good friendly rating, so its possible to trade from the very beginning

Advice - if u want to fight people straight away, buy at least 1 gun that is good against adv.stunpulse
if u wanna trade do some jobs people to build up your reputation then buy a freighter

thanks go to Rapid (for his Tie Models) and all the peeps on LancersReactor editing forum Click here

And many thanx to our main server modding , Decado! Cheers m8!

You can get the details/pass for the server Join #ut.clan on a random Quakenet server and ask for the MOD! or just type !freelancer to get url ( and type /join #ut.clan after that type in channel !freelancer)

Also only Freelancer talk in #clan-freelancer
[added Apr 26 2003 10:29AM

Ideas and suggestions can be mailed to me.

Also when ya like something to be added , we think we can do that for you all

Have fun on server ! , Tonight we will have some fun assignments!