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Ship Balance Poll

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Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 2:47 am

Ship Balance Poll

Everyone please take this thing so we can analyze your combat tactics and maybe better tailor the game.

1) How often do you use repair bots and shield batteries?

I personally use them more than I'd feel comfortable ... I'm very nervous about damage, so I usually use them at the slightest hint of such.

2) When you do use your repair/shield, do you use them more often to repair minor damage or recover from 5% hull strength?

Both ... sometimes, especially on freighters, I run out of batteries and have to depend on seat-of-my-pants ... I usually survive though.

3) How often do you get hit?

Like I said, more than I'd prefer ... even in the smaller fighters I seem cursed to fly never ending battles where I have to use something like three full recharges and repairs, which in a Titan counts out to something like 20 rb/sb each ... gah.

4) Which is more important: hull strength, or shield strength?

Though I always seem to get my shields shot away, I'd rather have strong those ... if you're reliant on hull strength, you've got a problem ...

5) Is it important to your survival and general mental health to be able to destroy bogeys in one hit? (a la Nomad Gun)

I always thought too much 0wnage was dull ... I actually sold my Eagle for a Humpback because I wasn't having fun anymore. Of course, once I got the thing I wanted more firepower on it In general, slower, less maneuverable ships better have more shields and firepower to even it out.

6) Which do you prefer: strong and slow, or quick and fast?

I honestly had more fun with light fighters than big, safe ships like the Titan ... Fighting something that can snap-roll out of your sights is of course annoying ... though not as annoying as having a big, vulnerable enemy your guns can't whittle down. I used to like the battleship mod, but flying around in a space whale gets really really (really) annoying after a while ... I liked the early wing Commanders, where a couple of shots coult down your fighter and every maneuver counted .... If I had my choice, I'd probably make most of the fighters light fighters, and the rest big, obscenely powerful, Titan-like ships. Probably take away the turrets to even it out.

7) Of the following, which have you USED more: fighters, bombers or freighters?

The first time I played, during MP, I gravitated toward the heavy fighters (being ambivilant towards lights after my starflyer experience, and downright hostile towards freighters after getting fragged over and over in a Rhino). Maybe I got tired of them, because when I finally got around to SP I used light fighters almost exclusively, except for brief moneymaking excursions using freighters. I actually prefer to make my cash through trading, legitimate or otherwise, than through fighting, though it's always nice to get pirate booty <G> I used a lot of freighters, and though I can't really say I like them, probably half my experience is split between them, the other half being equal lights/heavies.

8) Rate these in order of importance: Speed, Firepower, Protection

Probably Firepower, than speed, with protection a close second. Lots of shields batteries and repair bots, or proficient dodging, can make up for lack of protection but not even a crack shot can fix crap guns.

9) How often do you use turrets?

Well, unless you're flying something relatively agile like a Rhino or Clydesdale, when you fly freighters turrets are a necessity. Even not using them, though, I probably use turrets more than most people. I have the most annoying tendancy to piss off the factions I'm courting, and my days often revolve around running towards a trade lane, cargo in hand, while firing my turrets in their general direction, not so much trying to kill them as to keep them honest.

10) Fight or flight?

Unless I'm deliberately trying to make them mad, or it's part of the mission, or I need the booty, flight. Any animal is dangerous when backed into a corner, though. Even a Humpback <G>

11) What were your thoughts on single-player balancing?

To be honest, I rarely saw a mission twice. I blazed through the game in about two sittings over a weekend. The only time I had serious trouble was on mission 3, when I didn't have enough moolah to trick my Patriot out. I had to reload mission 2 to get to a decent cash level. After that monetary concerns were foremost, and I never had a problem after that.

12) What are your thoughts on multiplayer balancing?

MP is, I think, a lot more addictive than SP. Or it would be if there was more to do. After you get the superfighters (and I think everyone will agree with me here), there really isn't much to do. Nobody's a threat anymore. There should be some suicidal missions with obscenly high cash payouts (we're talking millions here) that only groups can realistically hope to survive. Maybe "destroy these three Nomad battle groups". I mean, I can already slaughter the entire Liberty, Rhineland and Kusari navies. *cough* not that I've ever *done* that *cough* I was also disappointed that you didn't need to use torpedoes all that much. To put it straight, either NPCs need to be tougher, or everyone else weaker. Drastically.

13) How often do you use missiles


14) How often do you use countermeasures?

I tried it once, with about ten baddies on my tail. It didn't work. I never used it again.

15) How often do you use torpedoes?

I think I used them once in Kusari space to take out a weapons platform, and in the plot missions against fortified Nomads ...

16) How often do you use strafe, enginekill or any of the advanced maneuvers?


Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 3:50 am

Everyone please take this thing so we can analyze your combat tactics and maybe better tailor the game.

1) How often do you use repair bots and shield batteries?

When I need to.

2) When you do use your repair/shield, do you use them more often to repair minor damage or recover from 5% hull strength?

Usually repairing _major_ damage.

3) How often do you get hit?

Well since the game as written automaticly has every enemy attack you and only you, I get hit fairly often.
This is one of my MAJOR dislikes about freelancer, that I can come through a jump gate and find 8 police fighting 4 corsairs and all 4 corsairs IMMEDIATLY ignore the police and attack me.

4) Which is more important: hull strength, or shield strength?

For the most, shields, but I require a good hull strangth as well, since I tend to go places with radiation.
Fly into the Dark Matter clouds in the Texas system in a Starflyer, and you'll be lucky to get out again since the hull erodes so quickly.

5) Is it important to your survival and general mental health to be able to destroy bogeys in one hit? (a la Nomad Gun)

Nope. I like stongish weapons, but for the most part I go for decent damage, high fire rate guns now. Class 10 guns suck because they're so slow.
If it doesn't have 5.88 fire reate asa minimum I won't use it.

6) Which do you prefer: strong and slow, or quick and fast?

Usually quick and fast, but my favorite fighter is a heavy that is pretty maneouverable - the Centurion.
The Titan is just awful, it steers as badly as a freighter and doesn't have the turrets to compensate.

7) Of the following, which have you USED more: fighters, bombers or freighters?
I never really considered any of the ships a "bomber", but for the most part I like ships that can manouver well.

8) Rate these in order of importance: Speed, Firepower, Protection

Protection, firepower, speed.
Speed is last because, well everything has the same speeds really.
Protection, because the game has a tendancy to throw hordes of enemies at me (though that might just be me going places I technicaly shouldn't be yet - like corsair/titan territories when i'm level 14 or less)

9) How often do you use turrets?

If i'm using a freighter for cash runs and I can't run away, I'll use turrets, though the last time I was doing cargo runs I didn't even bother putting turrets on the freighter.

10) Fight or flight?

Flight, unless I can't get away.
One of the sneaky things I do, is to fly in Cruise right beside a trade lane.
Because I'm not in the lane, they don't disrupt it, so when my cruise gets disrupted, i just duck into the lane and am gone before they can attack.

11) What were your thoughts on single-player balancing?

Too much of it was artificial balancing. The "level" nonsense before you could buy the better gear was just ridiculous.

The only time I had to do missions over were when the game did something ridiculous.

IE the destroy the prototype alien cap ships mission, I flew past thedefending ships and then up and left to shoot an alien ship.
BOOM, it suddenly tells me I failed the mission by fleeing from battle.

12) What are your thoughts on multiplayer balancing?

Not played Multi, sicne I only have 56k dialup.

13) How often do you use missiles

At first, never, due to the expense.
On subsequent runs through, quite a lot, since I knew to rack up a lot of cash on trade runs before going on with the storyline.

14) How often do you use countermeasures?

All the time, since it's the only thing that can stop cruise disruptors, and getting hit by missiles can really use up the nanobots and batteries.

I always dump at least 2 countermeasures, since the best countermeasures (advanced) are only a 90% chance to decoy.

15) How often do you use torpedoes?

First time through, fairly often on fixed targets, later runs i mostly just used missiles.

16) How often do you use strafe, enginekill or any of the advanced maneuvers?

First time through, not at all, later runs, often.
Engine kill works wonders in a dogfight, and strafe is about the only thing that can keep you alive when attacking cap ships, since they aren't that good at tracking you as you move sideways.
I also blip the afterburner on and off to vary my speed and make it hard to target me.

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 5:56 am

1) How often do you use repair bots and shield batteries?

Shield batteries? wtf? really i only use them when my hull goes critical... and that only happens once in a week or so. Nanobots? only used them to get around in those extra radiational areas.

2) When you do use your repair/shield, do you use them more often to repair minor damage or recover from 5% hull strength?

As i said. Shields extremly rarely if hull goes critical, nanobots almost never.

3) How often do you get hit?

Well not that often at all.. i once got jumped by 3 baracudas and 6 piranhas while still in a starflier... took them all out without using a battery

4) Which is more important: hull strength, or shield strength?

Shield though if i loose the shields i just try to manuever so i don't get hit untill they are back on.

5) Is it important to your survival and general mental health to be able to destroy bogeys in one hit? (a la Nomad Gun)

Well yes my favorite weapons are the cerebruses though i can't use them on the light fighters... otherwise the more damage the better weapon.. i never got my power to 0 yet so i don't care much about that

6) Which do you prefer: strong and slow, or quick and fast?

has to be very manuverable. i don't like those VHFs because they just aren't manuverable enough.

7) Of the following, which have you USED more: fighters, bombers or freighters?
I never really considered any of the ships a "bomber", but for the most part I like ships that can manouver well.

all those extra-light fighters... i like the starflier best because it's manuverable as hell i actually took a single nomad battleship out with it. couldn't hit me

8) Rate these in order of importance: Speed, Firepower, Protection

Speed, Firepower because of the way i like to fly. fast and deadly. with speed the protection isn't that important really.

9) How often do you use turrets?

practically never.

10) Fight or flight?

mostly fight. when i mastered the MP i headed back to new york, bought a dagger and hunted down everything non-pirate around in liberty & borderworlds

11) What were your thoughts on single-player balancing?

i've actually flown 2 missions twice. the first because i "landed" on manhattan (rammed the docking ring ) and some mission i don't know which one anymore.. it was some bug and i think it was still in liberty space

12) What are your thoughts on multiplayer balancing?

should be greatly rebalanced. now everyone goes, buys a saber/titan/eagle and wreaks havoc amongst the population

13) How often do you use missiles


14) How often do you use countermeasures?

only when i'm to lazy to fight

15) How often do you use torpedoes?

well... very often i use guns to get a guys shield down (preferably pulse) and then wack them with starkillers. sunslayers are too expencive for liberty a lane hacker

16) How often do you use strafe, enginekill or any of the advanced maneuvers?

enginekill.. well almost not at all because of the way i fly.. 2 seconds of straight flying and i'm dead when i'm flying a dagger to kill off hessians in stilettos..
strafe? all the time

we is experts

Post Thu May 20, 2004 12:52 pm

1) How often do you use repair bots and shield batteries?

Shield batteries not very often! Because my shield does not go down so often. If it goes down I try to fly around with the thrusters on, so that I won't be hit until the shield rebuilds by itself. Nanobots only if hull is on 50% and this is not very often (The game is to easy!).

2) When you do use your repair/shield, do you use them more often to repair minor damage or recover from 5% hull strength?

Shield batteries only sometimes if shield is on 0%. Nanobots if hull is on 50%

3) How often do you get hit?

Not so often, but sometimes more, sometimes less! The bst thing I did was to kill two stilettos and three daggers in a defender.

4) Which is more important: hull strength, or shield strength?

Shield because if i loose the shields i try to fly around not getting hit until they come back on.

5) Is it important to your survival and general mental health to be able to destroy bogeys in one hit? (a la Nomad Gun)

Yes, surely. I love the Nomad Energy Cannons, because they do the most damage of all equipable weapons in the game I think. I only changed them to need enrgy, because otherwise it would be boring!

6) Which do you prefer: strong and slow, or quick and fast?

Normally average speed and average strenght. I prefer the Eagle, because it is strong enough, but still quite agile!

7) Of the following, which have you USED more: fighters, bombers or freighters?

Most times I used V.H.F.s! I think you mean this with bombers?

8) Rate these in order of importance: Speed, Firepower, Protection

Firepower, Speed, Protection!

9) How often do you use turrets?

Not really often! Only sometimes if I don't want to fight and want to get away. Then I hit the thrusters, then enginekill, and fire backwards, until I got far enough from the enemies to start cruise.

10) Fight or flight?

Fight! flight only very rare.

11) What were your thoughts on single-player balancing?

iI think the game is way to easy! So I made my own mod, making it a bit more difficult!

12) What are your thoughts on multiplayer balancing?

Not really good. There are to many flying around with a V.H.F. killing everyone they see.

13) How often do you use missiles

Never! (I think the first time I played the storyline and then to Level 38 with 12 Millions of credits, I only used 5 missiles. The next time 0 missiles.)

14) How often do you use countermeasures?

Only sometimes if I don't want to fight and also do not get away as usual (look at question number 9). So not very often!

15) How often do you use torpedoes?

At first only in the storyline, because I liked it more to kill Fighters and Freighters with my guns. But then I added capitalship encounters in my mod and now I kill lots of battleships with my Sunslayers.

16) How often do you use strafe, enginekill or any of the advanced maneuvers?

Strafing most times in combat. Enginekill to get away, if I don't want to fight, and don't want to use countermeasures. (Question number 9: Thrust and then enginekill).

That's it

Post Thu May 20, 2004 2:06 pm

wrong forum - this has not much to do with moddin...
most of the modders were once players and know FL better than the back of their hands. they design their changes after their own ideas of what FL should have been.

many mods change gameplay in several ways. you can't create a "generic dogfighting guide" that is good for each one.

umm, yay, someone move this


Excelcia Mod Leading Developer

Post Fri May 21, 2004 1:47 am

Moving !

Post Fri May 21, 2004 10:10 am

The one main thing about dogfighting when using nanobots and batteries that I don't like is that hulls are so weak that they need a bigger number to recharge their strength. And shields should have a larger number for battery capacity.

What are the numbers? I don't pay attention anymore. 600 repair for Nanobots and 300 for batteries. In my estimation, I'd rather have a stronger hull and less ability to repair it, say 300 repair for nanobots. Wing Commander had ships that could take a beating with no repair option. As for batteries, those should be 600 so when I have a huge shield capacity in a hostile zone, I don't waste 10 batteries on one shield fix. As it is I just let them pound on my hull at certain times because it doesn't require me wasting the batteries where I might need them more.

That is the major thing I'd change.

Sir S

Edited by - Sir Spectre on 5/21/2004 11:13:28 AM

Post Sat May 22, 2004 7:21 pm

I'll add some stuff in about what I did to mod my copy of the game to my own tastes, seeing as that's sort of what you're after too. =)

1) How often do you use repair bots and shield batteries?

Rarely. I think they make the game too easy, especially as the NPCs don't use them AND they drop them by the bucket-load when destroyed. I've sometimes chosen destruction over using nanobots and shield batteries. I personally find the game more challenging and exciting when not relying on them.

Modding: I drastically lowered the amount of nanobots/shield batteries that ships can carry (by tenfold in some cases) and reduced the amount that NPCs drop. I'm toying with the idea of having NPCs use them to repair themselves, I'll have to experiment with that. The game is more 'hard-core' now, as I can't afford to make many mistakes and if I do, I only have a small last-resort reserve of batteries/bots. Evasive flying is the new king.

2) When you do use your repair/shield, do you use them more often to repair minor damage or recover from 5% hull strength?

Only in dire emergency.


3) How often do you get hit?

Depends. In vanilla FL, quite often, as everything is so slow and graceful.

Modding: Not as often. I made ships faster, which means they are harder to hit. This works both for and against me.


4) Which is more important: hull strength, or shield strength?

Shields because you don't have to pay to repair, and you don't run the risk of losing a wing with all the weapons on it.


5) Is it important to your survival and general mental health to be able to destroy bogeys in one hit? (a la Nomad Gun)

No. Or rather, not ALWAYS. But one-hit-kill weapons come with their own trade-off, I don't think they are better than other weapons. In fact, the best weapons in the game (the GMG lasers) are all low-strength,rapid-fire weapons.


6) Which do you prefer: strong and slow, or quick and fast?

Both are fun, but if I had to pick one I'd go for quick and fast.


7) Of the following, which have you USED more: fighters, bombers or freighters?



8) Rate these in order of importance: Speed, Firepower, Protection

Speed, firepower, protection

9) How often do you use turrets?

Only in freighters. Otherwise, I just treat them as an extra gun mount if they fire forwards, and sometimes leave them empty if they only have rear-facing.

10) Fight or flight?

Fight, unless I'm clearly outmatched.


11) What were your thoughts on single-player balancing?

Too easy. WAY too easy, and then the end of the game is rather pointless. IMO they should never have bothered with the story line, it's terribly corny anyway and just doesn't gel with all the other backround of FL that you read about in infocards and rumours. The game should just be Elite, plain and simple, with a much wider variety of Random Missions. I haven't played proper Single-Player in months, if I play alone I set up a LAN server just for myself.

12) What are your thoughts on multiplayer balancing?

Better - but still some areas that are too easy. Once you have fully upgraded a Sabre, Titan or Eagle then no NPCs can stop you. The game should have a few areas that will always be dangerous no matter how tooled-up your ship is.

13) How often do you use missiles

Vanilla: Hardly ever. Only for variety.

Modding: Lots. I made them fit on the torpedo mount for a start. Then I made them faster and gave them a better trail effect. Lastly, I lowered the ammo limit. Now they are much like the missiles from the classic Wing Commander games. I prefer it like this by far.

14) How often do you use countermeasures?

Never. Evasive manoevres are a lot more effective.

15) How often do you use torpedoes?

Outside of SP missions, never...

16) How often do you use strafe, enginekill or any of the advanced maneuvers?

I use strafe a lot, it's especially useful when fighting in asteroids. Engine-kill is only really useful if the enemy is coming head on, as soon as he passes you can kill the engine, turn, hit the boosters and he'll be right in your sights.

Post Sat May 22, 2004 7:59 pm

1) How often do you use repair bots and shield batteries?


2) When you do use your repair/shield, do you use them more often to repair minor damage or recover from 5% hull strength?

i use them about when the shield is halfway drained

3) How often do you get hit?


4) Which is more important: hull strength, or shield strength?

well, i prefer hull stregnth. cause i can use a weaker shield and have much much more batteries to use when its down

5) Is it important to your survival and general mental health to be able to destroy bogeys in one hit? (a la Nomad Gun)

no! that gets boring

6) Which do you prefer: strong and slow, or quick and fast?

usually quick and fast....wait...i prefer anything in between the lines of slow and strong and quick and fast....i usually prefer anything that is balanced out in all areas

7) Of the following, which have you USED more: fighters, bombers or freighters?


8) Rate these in order of importance: Speed, Firepower, Protection

again, i prefer equality among the different areas.
9) How often do you use turrets?

almost never
10) Fight or flight?


11) What were your thoughts on single-player balancing?

yeas its kinda too easy. although the linear storyline is good, it doesnt help much afterwards. maybe they should have just made a small set of systems that are relatively weaker compared to the others. then the whole area would be balanced out more
12) What are your thoughts on multiplayer balancing?

same as before...almost...the areas are a little too linear. liberty is too easy, then its Bretonia, then Kusari, then Rhienland
13) How often do you use missiles

14) How often do you use countermeasures?

15) How often do you use torpedoes?

i only used one once on and unsuspecting friend in multiplayer for kicks
16) How often do you use strafe, enginekill or any of the advanced maneuvers?

i use engine kill....alot

Post Sat May 22, 2004 11:04 pm

1) How often do you use repair bots and shield batteries?

When my shields go down. Hardly ever use bots

2) When you do use your repair/shield, do you use them more often to repair minor damage or recover from 5% hull strength?

I use the bats to get from 0% shields to 100%. Hull doesn't take damage

3) How often do you get hit?

Depends how awake I am. If I'm flying a Drake or Dagger at my full potential, not very often at all, but I'm not often at that

4) Which is more important: hull strength, or shield strength?

Shield strength. Hull hits shake your ship and make it that much harder to retaliate

5) Is it important to your survival and general mental health to be able to destroy bogeys in one hit? (a la Nomad Gun)

One hit...ten's all the same to me so long as I stay alive

6) Which do you prefer: strong and slow, or quick and fast?

Variable, depending on how I'm feeling. If I want to be annoying, I'll buy a Drake and go annoy the hell out of people, but otherwise I'll be in an Eagle just blasting away

7) Of the following, which have you USED more: fighters, bombers or freighters?


8) Rate these in order of importance: Speed, Firepower, Protection

Firepower and speed. If a) you're fast and nimble and b) you can take the enemy down quickly, that's protection built in right there

9) How often do you use turrets?

I don't, unless I'm flying the Sabre, because that one points forward

10) Fight or flight?

Fight. Unless the odds are seriously stacked against me

11) What were your thoughts on single-player balancing?

The story is fairly easy up to about Kusari space. The Rheinland mission took me a couple of goes, and the last three were nasty, but all it took was practice.

12) What are your thoughts on multiplayer balancing?

Now this is much better. In the SP game, get a Drake/Eagle and nothing can stop you. However, there are good players online who can make mincemeat out of you if you so much as blink

13) How often do you use missiles

I use the Cannonball occasionally, when I want to rub something in.

14) How often do you use countermeasures?

I don't. Missiles can be easily dodged with correct turning.

15) How often do you use torpedoes?

I keep a Sunslayer in the hold, even if it's not always mounted

16) How often do you use strafe, enginekill or any of the advanced maneuvers?

I don't use strafe. However, I use engine kill a LOT. It gives you an extra second or so of shooting during the initial pass of combat

Post Sun May 23, 2004 8:07 am

Sorry to be posting late but the reason that factions will go stratight after you instead of police is that you are more hostile. Factions are set at min hostile tword each other that are hostile chances are you are more hostile that that so they go after you if th game is modified so Police are maximum hostile they will fight the police. Only takes small modification to fix

Post Mon May 24, 2004 2:02 am

1)Always when i take heavy beating. NOTE:If i am pirate my tactic is hit 'n run so i don't use them so often.

2)Can you fix something like a gun damage with nanos'?

3)Not really often, because i use thruster almost all the time, and if i do that ain't a problem with heavier shields.

4)Shield strenght. I don't like my systems being damaged.


6)Strong and slow. I love heavy fighters because, lots of gun mounts, good cargo space(I LOVE FALCONS!!!) and torpedoes.

7)Fighters. Suit my style best.

8)Firepower,speed, protection.
Hit the bogey before he hits you!


10)Depends. If enemy is something like 5 level 15 legionnaires i get the hell outta there ASAP. Howewer, if they're crap pilots like Liberty Rogues i fight. In fact, i often just fly around asteroid fields looking for "prey". Just 'cos i love fightin'

11)It's OK. Only time i had to repeat were that nomad power cell mission and the Rheinland fleet.

12)I don't play MP

13)Often in plot missions. If i wanna take out something fast i use missiles.

14)Last ditch measure. I try to shake them out with thruster.

Post Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:29 pm

Ooh, nice topic. Worthy of revival IMO.

1) How often do you use repair bots and shield batteries?

Quite often. Shield batteries more than nanobots though, because once my shields are down I go on a twist-and-turn spree.
2) When you do use your repair/shield, do you use them more often to repair minor damage or recover from 5% hull strength?

I use my batteries as necassary - sometimes I need the extra juice from a fully-charged shield to power my weapons, so I'll use a few to bring it up from 2/3rds or so. Most of the time though, I wait until I've either lost the shield or have less than one square left. I always repair my hull damage ASAP though, because LFs tend to have thin skin, and every point counts.
3) How often do you get hit?

I like the more agile ships, so not very often. Most of the times I do, it's a tradeoff for a chance to inflict damage against my target.
4) Which is more important: hull strength, or shield strength?

Shield. Hulls cost money.
5) Is it important to your survival and general mental health to be able to destroy bogeys in one hit? (a la Nomad Gun)

No. Once you get to the point where you're ripping through formations of Sabers and Eagles in no time, then really, what's left to do? I always enjoy a good, long dogfight.
6) Which do you prefer: strong and slow, or quick and fast?

Agility is my game. Always has been, always will be. Speed is armor.
7) Of the following, which have you USED more: fighters, bombers or freighters?

Light Fighters first and foremost, freighters second. The big ships may have all the firepower, but I have a need for speed.
8) Rate these in order of importance: Speed, Firepower, Protection

1: Speed 2: Firepower 3: Protection. Speed is protection.
9) How often do you use turrets?

Unless it's a Dagger (Stunpulse turret is all that ever goes up there), then I don't waste the money. Essential on freighters though.
10) Fight or flight?

Unless I'm on my way to meet someone, fight. A few extra goodies in the hold never hurts.
11) What were your thoughts on single-player balancing?

The campaign is pretty easy as long as you keep decent ships, but the challenge comes afterward, exploring all the various systems and their inhabitants.
12) What are your thoughts on multiplayer balancing?

As the origional response states, once you reach level 40+ and have your supership, what more is there to do? The whole point of the game is to improve yourself, your skills and your ship. This is why I play mods that make things more expensive - takes more time to get higher.
13) How often do you use missiles

Never. If I do, I end up blowing more on the missiles than I make in the mission.
14) How often do you use countermeasures?

Like they're going out of style. Spitting out a countermeasure is a lot cheaper than losing your shield (and potentially your ship) to a missile. I ALWAYS carry a full load.
15) How often do you use torpedoes?

I toy with them now and then. I'm primarily a gunfighter though.
16) How often do you use strafe, enginekill or any of the advanced maneuvers?

Strafe is second nature to me. Engine kill is wasted on NPCs, but vital against humans.

Edited by - LaserMeat on 7/2/2004 11:48:26 PM

Post Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:08 am

I only use nanobots and shield batteries when my shield and hull are nearly gone, unless I'm picking up plenty of them as salvage and can afford to splurge.

Post Sat Jul 03, 2004 9:48 am

1) How often do you use repair bots and shield batteries?

A lot...especially in irradiated areas.

2) When you do use your repair/shield, do you use them more often to repair minor damage or recover from 5% hull strength?

I use nanobots when my hull gets below about 2/3...likewise with shield batteries. If used at the slightest bit of damage, it may be patching a 100 HP hole with a 300 HP patch.

3) How often do you get hit?

Once is one time too many...that said, it happens a lot, but usually not by all of an enemy's weapons.

4) Which is more important: hull strength, or shield strength?

The Thruster is more important than both, since a well timed thruster burst can save you from taking any damage at all.

5) Is it important to your survival and general mental health to be able to destroy bogeys in one hit? (a la Nomad Gun)

It's important to my mental health to NOT destroy enemies in one hit. That gets very old, very fast.

6) Which do you prefer: strong and slow, or quick and fast?

Small and fast. Armor doesn't matter if nothing can hit you in the first place.

7) Of the following, which have you USED more: fighters, bombers or freighters?

Light Fighters.

8) Rate these in order of importance: Speed, Firepower, Protection

Speed > Protection > Firepower. Once you live through the first shot, you can worry about shooting back.

9) How often do you use turrets?

Not too often. The ships I use don't even have turrets.

10) Fight or flight?

Fight. I chase lane-hacking NPC's all the way across the map if I can't get them with a CD in time.

11) What were your thoughts on single-player balancing?

Too easy. It focused too much on numbers of enemies and too little on enemy tactics; there were never ships hidden behind asteroids or in docking bays of stations...the only real ambush was the fleet in mission 7. There was also no need to use tactics yourself- everything was strictly shoot-and-scoot.

12) What are your thoughts on multiplayer balancing?

Pathetic. Simply pathetic. The simple fact that Nomad guns are allowed in MP ruins the game balance all by itself.

13) How often do you use missiles

Frequently. I use mines a lot more, but I use missiles as well.

14) How often do you use countermeasures?

Only when I remember to hit the button. There aren't too many missiles that can hit you while dodging.

15) How often do you use torpedoes?

Not too often. I find CD's much more valuable for the hardpoint and ammo.

16) How often do you use strafe, enginekill or any of the advanced maneuvers?

All the time. I use engine kill for the entire fight for the speed boost and built-in strafing it allows.

Proud owner and operator of a Patriot!
Proud owner and operator of a Stiletto!
Proud ally of the Bounty Hunters' Guild!
Proud hater of Nomad weapons!
Proud user of all things underestimated!
For the last time...there is no "N" in "TURRET"!

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